is this normal in flower?


Active Member
Hey guys
My ladies started flowering 2-3 weeks ago and have started turning yellow at the bottom, I have read people saying it's normal and others saying its a deficiency,
I flushed last week thinking it would help but it really hasn't,
Any ideas?

Ph is 6.8

Been using a complete fert weekly since the start and have been feeding half flower nutes and half veg nutes the past 2 weeks.

Anything to worry about?



Well-Known Member
give her a little extra nitrogen they use up allot of nutes the first few weeks of flower when they are stretching yellowing is only normal at the end of flowering


Active Member
probably nitrogen. I'm not sure what lighting you have, but if the plant isn't getting much light to the lower leaves they will turn yellow and die off too.


Active Member
probably nitrogen. I'm not sure what lighting you have, but if the plant isn't getting much light to the lower leaves they will turn yellow and die off too.
They are growing outdoors and receive 5 hrs in the morning and 3 hrs in the arvo (they are on the edge of pergola,
Best way to give n at this stage?
Keep feeding veg nutes for another week?


Active Member
yeah, I feed mine veg nutes the whole time they are in their stretch period then switch over to flower nutes when they start focusing on bud development. If you were feeding regularly in veg you really shouldn't be seeing N def. signs this early in flower.


Active Member
yeah, I feed mine veg nutes the whole time they are in their stretch period then switch over to flower nutes when they start focusing on bud development. If you were feeding regularly in veg you really shouldn't be seeing N def. signs this early in flower.
They were looking great a few days ago, I flushed with ph water at 6.1 maybe it was a bit low ill try next watering at 6.5 and see if it gets any better


Well-Known Member
give her a little extra nitrogen they use up allot of nutes the first few weeks of flower when they are stretching yellowing is only normal at the end of flowering
I agree, but for 2 or 3 weeks after the flip, not just one.
I've read many a thread that say they continue to feed veg nutes into the second and third week of flower to keep the N up for the associated stretch at the flip. (And that is what I do also, my plants have continued for 3, sometimes 4 weeks then slow down.)


Active Member
Interesting i have just read that feeding flower nutes and veg nutes togethrr can lock out nutrients from the veg nutes


Well-Known Member
Interesting i have just read that feeding flower nutes and veg nutes togethrr can lock out nutrients from the veg nutes
I didn't mean to feed both, although I sometimes do, when I see a little yellowing, and I can see where feeding both at strong enough strengths might burn, but it takes a 'feel' for it.
Learn to 'read' your plant, and see what she is telling you she wants.
Not enough of something, or too much of something...........
These will probably help you down the road.
Copy/ or save them so you can refer back to them whenever you want, that's what I did.;-)View attachment 2495527PHRANGECHART_zpsddd4a5c5.gif

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Yes add grow nutes at normal to weak strength all the way to about week 4-5 if you need them. It's best just to keep grow nutes in your mix until week 3-4, or at least fed them grow heavy in late veg and again about day 10-14 flower. Some strains just use more N in first half of flower.