Is this normal for 2 weeks?


Active Member
These plants are both bag seeds in top soil, in a closet, at about 2 weeks from seeds. I water them about once every 2 days and mist them whenever i'm around (i go to kroger and buy 'drinking water' in the gallon jug and use that). I have a moisture meter and after i'm done watering, on a scale of 1 to 4 the moisture is at a 2.
I have a 6500k CFL bulb about 15cm above each of them and using no nutes cause I dunno what to use, how much to use or when is a good time to even use them or even where to get them. The lights are on when I wake up usually around 10:30 or 11am and off when I go to bed usually around 1am. I have an extra CFL bulb(like 800 lumens or something) and about my pots- I found them in my basement and in my garage- i dunno if they're big enough of whatever.
I've already transplanted them once because they were both in the same pot (just letting you know). So far the things i could get I guess are a fan and nutes... maybe I should control the temperature? would any of that matter? what temp? how would I control it?

I think i'm just paranoid because they haven't really grown... I see a bunch of other peoples babies and theyre all growing bigger and bigger and mine are just.... the same as usual. It seems like they just live.. not grow or anything- just live.

Pic 1 and 2 of are my healthiest. Pic 4 is of my second one- I think it got burnt from another light i was previously using prior to the CFLs and the last pic is of my growing quarters

what do you think i should/shouldn't do?



Well-Known Member
I kinda new myself so I can't really answer your question, but I would like to know what the yellow thing in the back ground is.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
when i grow plants mine are.... bigger after 2 weeks. somethings.. wrong, do you have ventilation??


Well-Known Member
yeah man, go dowmn to your local wal mart and Get some compact cfls. come in all sizes and you can get t8's to replace the bulbs that are in there. Scratch that, Meijers has cfl' with reflectors for 10 bucks.Make sure the bulbs are "cool white" T8 or T5 and flood that sucker with light. Put the cfl's right on the plant, as close as two, or closer, inches. Lotsa ventilation, some good nutes and if you can 24 hours of light. If not 24, 18 on 6 off at most till you're ready to flower. Took mine to 14" and pretty with just compacts, nutes and GOOD VENTILATION. Water to the bottom every couple days so the roots don't turn up lookin for water. Remember the compact tubes give off almost NO heat so you can really drown with light. Food, Water, Air. Air for ventilation and in the meddium your growing in.