Is This Normal? Day 25 flowering pics


Active Member
My girl is starting to loose a lot of yellow leaves. I know it's normal to loose some when the buds start maturing, but does this look normal? day 26 of flowering. growing in my closet with 3 150 watt cfls. also about 3 hours a day on my balcony with sunlight. it's always looked perfect until recently. started using molasses for the last 2 waterings along with miracle gro bloom booster. any suggestions? have a lot more pictures if you need more.
thanks for your help.



Well-Known Member
Mickoni- your room looks good, but his plants aren't yellowing and losing fans like normal, his whole plant is yellowing out from a burn of some sort, it looks overfertilized to me, but I didn't grow it, or know how much it was fed, so it's just a guess.

I'd run a good flush of plain pHed water through them, and hope for the best.

A common mistake for yellowing is to add more nitrogen, but if they're yellowing from too many nutes, then there will be a snowball effect.


Well-Known Member
as a noob from what i have learned it looks like a N def, when they fall off easily or on thier own...seems too early to me to have that bad of a N def when the leaves show those signs its usually late in the flowering period. Am i correct on this fellows?


Well-Known Member
his whole plant is yellowing out from a burn of some sort, it looks overfertilized to me, but I didn't grow it, or know how much it was fed, so it's just a guess.

I'd run a good flush of plain pHed water through them, and hope for the best.

A common mistake for yellowing is to add more nitrogen, but if they're yellowing from too many nutes, then there will be a snowball effect.

By the looks of them from an experienced standpoint, I would say they are overwatered or overfertilized, probably a combination of the two.

Again, a common newb mistake is to add more fertilizer when there's a problem, when a thorough flush is what should be done. :leaf:


Active Member
i think i have over fertilized my girl. though i only used a teaspoon of miracle grow per gallon, and 1 tablespoon of molasses. if i do need to flush, should wait until it's time to water again? or do i go ahead and flush now?
i live in LA and there are places to buy some better fertilizers if you think that is the problem.

i really appreciate everyone's input. i'm still having fun watching her grow, but clearly she needs help, though the buds themselves look like they're coming along nicely.

thanks so much. you all rock!!



Well-Known Member
How often have you been watering?

Water thouroughly with enough water to run out the bottom, more than a gallon.

Next grow get some better nutes.


Active Member
Lasmitty, it seem as though its a over fert.but ive had these probs and over watering was allways the problem.ive started watering when i first see sighn of wilt and all my worry went away and i make sure my soil drains very well by adding more perlite than whats allready in the soil.let your pots dry out befor watering again and i bet things improve.good luck


Well-Known Member
from what i know the leaves turn yellow at about 2 weeks left in flowering so you got a nute problem feed less more isnt always better


Well-Known Member
Before anyone blames the molasses, it's not going to do much unless you use it with organics, it's too complex of a carbohydrate to be absorbed by the plant. Molasses is used as a stimulant to beneficial microorganisms that live in the soil, if you put them there. Bacterias and Fungi.

In conjunction with miracle grow, I doubt there's any effect on the plant or soil composition.


Active Member
is it too late to change nutes at this stage of the game? i've heard that molasses makes buds much bigger, which sounds awesome. can you recommend a nute that would work well with molasses? or should i just wait till i buy my next clone?