Is this nitrogen deficiency?


17 days from sprout under 200w cobs dimmed to 115w. Temps between 75-90 on 18/6 schedule. I was feeding half a dose BioBizz Grow, switched to full dose yesterday as I noticed the yellowing. Growing in coco/perlite 70/30. Looking a bit small for that age i think



That's like 2oz of water

U need to water her, it's Coco not soil

And half or full strength nutes will burn her up
Feeding her daily 40 ml I always have about 10% runoff if not more, and I am following THiS nutrient schedule, I will dillute the nutes more if that’s has to be done. Thanks for the input !

EDIT: I also plan to transplant it in 3 gal textile pot on monday.


Well-Known Member
Do yourself a favor; leave them in those pots for a while. One of the biggest mistakes in a coco grow is using too large of a pot. Relax; you'll know when it's ready for a 3 gal pot, and it's not now. The idea is to feed every day and throwing those little things into big pots will only cause you to risk dampening off the plant due to daily feeds and the plant's inability to use all the water up. It's a balancing act of sorts.

Be sure you're managing your pH....that will be the biggest culprit of problems with a plant this small. I don't use your nutrients, so I'm not going to try and tell you what's too much or not enough, but for me, by the end of their second week from germination, they receive what I consider to be my 100% nutrient mix and I will continue on that path until it's time to chop them down. Don't be scared to feed them. Good luck.


So I fed her today with full nutes and a bit of cal mag, pH at 5.8. However, the runoff was around 7.8, how can I fix that? This might be the issue? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Run off means nothing

Don't check it

Good in , and out means nothing

Thought we discussed the dangers of full nutes every day in Coco


Well-Known Member
it depends on the ec not the "strength" of the nutes. you should just continue watcing runoff ec and ph


So the issue seems to have progressed. I am attaching photos, I plan on flushing with pHd RO water at 6 pH, what do you think? And then start at 1/4 nutes.F4120AD1-AF48-4165-8634-9758F69D7652.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Nutes at max 1ec.
Feed every day to run off.
Ph5.7- 6.3.
The reason your ph is comming out high is because a-your feeding too strong and b- not feeding enough volume.
Do as bob said and it's almost impossible to go wrong.
Someone said there it's mag def. It's not. It's your ph causing lockouts.