is this natural (pic)


Active Member
hello anybody and everybody. so iv spent 3 days learning how to upload pic on here. i know that there going to look like shit but it this best i can do right now. so my plant is on its first day of week 10 of 12/12. with in the last 2 weeks the leafs have been turn yellow and falling off but now yesterday the whole plant seem to be turning yellow. iv read and tryed alot of things that i thought was wrong with it but haven't had any luck with anything. keeps getting worst i have ran out of solutions and i have no clue what to do anymore. this is my first grow. I've had so many problems with her since day one. i would say that the only good thing about her is that she keeps on growing.

iv grown her indoors under 4 26w cfl's. feed her once a week and i don't know what else to say. opinions are greatly appreciated. want to know anything else i be more then happy to tell u. tips burnt, curling downwards and almost upside down. i so lost right now.



Active Member
haha i wouldnt sweat it if youre already in the 10th week of flowering.

what kind of strain?

how long of a flowering period?


Well-Known Member
Tbad are you really into the tenth week of flowering? Sounds to me like you should really not worry about the leaves and just pick a harvest date soon if you really are that far in. All strains are different but after looking at lots of seed bank catalogs 8 weeks is a good general rule of thumb.

Also when flowering it is not uncommon for many plants to have their leaves whither and turn yellow. It is the plant using itself to feed the buds, it could also show to varying degrees depending on the nutrients in the grow medium I.E. Only pure water past couple weeks as a flush? would lead a plant to eat itself a little more.

Good luck bud!


Well-Known Member
leafs fall off the flowering process uses all the plants energy if done right no worrys bro


Active Member
ok.. so how much longer u think i should give her. i just feed her two days ago.


Active Member
well if 80% of the hairs have darkened in color its ready to harvest. odds are youre there already. dont overgrow!


Active Member
naaa not even close. id say about 25% of it is red more white then red. how do i know if its over grown. the buds have been geting biger by the day. i have better pic but i cant get them up.


Active Member
did u even look at the pic's? 1 of them every hair is white
like i said the pics suck the flash from the cam makes it look all white. i have better pic but i having trouble puting them up. the red hairs are more inside the buds then on the outside.


Active Member
did u even look at the pic's? 1 of them every hair is white

sorry i cant tell from shitty low res photos whether or not the tiny hairs on the buds have darkened at all. fucking idiot.

15 weeks of flowering? plants dont need to flower longer just because you "forced" them into it, the periods should be the same regardless.

ive never heard of a single strain requiring 15 weeks flowering. even thai stick has a flowering period of 12-13 weeks, and thats because the summers are practically endless there. you have to think about marijuana in an outdoor context, and no outdoor marijuana is going to take 15 weeks to flower..... there simply wouldnt be that long of a period in nature.


Active Member
ya dood i looked enlarged the pic's looking good a few more days and ready for harvest
cool... so thanks alot for ur help. so i know last night i said i have three tops i dont know what i was thinking. i have four tops its just that the fourth one is really small all the way on the bottom and that one is small with no red hairs on it. i read somewhere that u can cut whats readly and leave the others to grow more. can i get ur input on that. the first post on this thread the pics on top last one to the right is my smallest bud. ill try and get a better pic up tomorrow cause the lights stay on during the night. but hell yeah can't WAIT FOR HAERVEST TIME!!!!