is this Mold?

Guy's I came home today, and as always look at my plant. Well today I said, hmm this doesn't look good.

Think this is mold? The leaves in that one spot were dead and to me it looks like mold spores, but what the hell do i know.. I cut the whole bud off, and am picking thru it now.





Active Member
I would definitely inspect for more whenever you get the chance. If you do see more, I would be as careful as possible to not transfer any of that to other parts of the plant or room. Do you have anything to measure the humidity in your room? If not, get something, it will help prevent this from happening in the future.


Well-Known Member
The humidity doesn't actually cause the mold, it's just that the mold thrives in higher humidity, and can't live if it's too dry. The spores are probably floating around everywhere (on your clothes, floating in when you open the door, etc.). They're just waiting for the right conditions to take off.

How does the humidity actually cause the mold?! Im not exactly sure as to how it happens and wondered if anyone has an awnser?


Active Member
That's bud rot. Damn, people.... It's caused by mold and spreads. At first is many times white than turns necrotic brown. But, It can be caused by anything that does damage makes a little bit of the plant rot than spreads. It's like gang green but on a plant. If a dead bug decays in a bud, or part of a flower dies, or live bugs eat/shit/piss=kill part of a plant, or mold sets in because the humidity is too high and/or a fan isn't blowing adequately to get the old humid air out of the bud centers it will cause mold and bud rot. keep fans on and vent at night keep humidity under 45% all the time, but especially at night, that's when mold grows the most. Keep your grow area clean. Cut dead shit out now and hang dry separate than your good bud. Also fluctuations of real dry and real moist will make bud rot thrive. If it gets dry it will get brown and when that dead crap gets wet at night it will rot.


Active Member
One thing to keep in mind is you watch your plants on a daily basis and you saved your crop. Fucking congratulations. I'd check em every day. If your seeing mold then you probably got conditions that mold likes.



Well-Known Member
Looks like MASSSS Spider Mite infestation + a little moistness on your plants made them rot a little . I dont think it spreads.. i think your buds got moist one day and being so dense probably never dried.. and whala. happened to my outdoor plants. its hard to detect at first cause you think your plants just dark, or maybe even purp.. but after a while you realize its slowly dying off. :) I harvested way to early, diddnt cure and my 1st grow of outdoor chronic turned into schwag


Well-Known Member
I've always heard that it definitely does spread. I don't know for sure though, since I've never tried waiting around to see. I've always got any moldy parts out of the room ASAP.