is this LR2 done yetttt???


Well-Known Member
It looks ready to me. Its a beautiful girl I might add.

The length of time for drying varies from situation to situation. Let it dry until it feels dry on the outside. After that, cure it in air-tight jars or bags until the entire bud feels dry yet bendable (not crispy). You should know how completely finished buds feels. Make sure you open each jar/bag every day and let fresh air get to all of the buds.


Active Member
ahh so i guess im going to chop them down tomorrow.. so excited to see how it smokes n the high ... it made sure to seed them, out of the 10 seeds i had 2 were hoping there seeds they produced have a high female ratio as well.


Well-Known Member
thats a solid plant man:-) looks good to me, how many days,70? i have 20 auto-flowering ak47's I am about to get going on. Nice grow congrats


Active Member
yeah its nuts, im going to take better pictures during the day tomorrow since those were taken at night...

its at day 55...thats why i am getting anxious and impatient


Active Member
how can you guys tell from the put a microscope up to your comp or something? lol ...dude get a microscope from radio shack if you REALLY want to 10 bucks.


Well-Known Member
Judging by the strain, amber and withered hairs, swollen calyxes, but a 30x microscope or jewelers loop is the most accurate way


Well-Known Member
The calyxes sold it for me, I agree look it over close with a microscope. Congrats again on a nice grow!!


Well-Known Member
Bam....I've grown a buttload of LR's and in EVERY case, it took 70 days until they were ready +/- a couple days....mostly between 70 - 77 days. You definately need to get a 30x jewelers loupe or something like that to check the trics. Dont get impatient, the few extra days will really pay off. As for drying, mine were hung in a cool dark place for about 5-7 days then stored in mason jars. I love growing the LR's and always have a few growing along side my big girls. LR's definately keep the stash full.


Active Member
^^okay, since you have more experience then i do..i will be taking your advice and wait another 2 weeks.

this is deffinately something I will be growing tons of next summer, (or indoors if i ever figure that out).