Is this looking on track going into week 6?

New poster and first post. I live in the northeast and this is my first plant really and she's outdoors. Bag seed but I'm leaning towards maybe Northerlights so Sativa Dom.
She started to show signs and stretch right at the beginning of August. I believe I'm going into week 6. Used tea bloom when she started to stretch and up until this point. Hit her with the bloom and booster yesterday. Been straight water in-between feedings. Started brewing in some molasses last feeding at a tbsp per gallon. Feeding 2 to 2/2 gallons at a time. She's stinky, and the buds are getting frosty but the size has me concerned. Will she fill in in the next few weeks? Don't mind smaller buds one bit honestly. I fugure going into week 6 and if she was an 8 weeker she'd be more filled out. Think it's Sativa but again....bag seed from who knows how long ago but it can really only be one of five strains. Northern lights being one. Opinions? I noticed a bit if what I think might be cute bur1000006083.jpg1000006079.jpg1000006076.jpgn setting on. But not ro bad and kinda here and there. It's not all leaves. Any advice welcome. I'm just hoping to get something out of her. She's like 5' high and 6'-7' wide. Strong and stout. I have here opened up with LST to help with air flow and light penetration.1000006081.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks good!! Probably 3-5 weeks left I'm guessing, depending on how much direct sun they get - cloudy days are a bummer at end of season for sure. Good luck! Hope to see updates. I love a mystery grow personally; bc then I can compare what I can grow to what the last guy did with the plant lol
I appreciate the responses. I've noticed a few of the tops(maybe 4 or 5) have really red hairs. Honestly it started with one bud. All white hairs had gone and what was left was shriveled and red. It struck me as odd. After further investigation I found a tiny maybe 1/4" long catepillar in it(quickly removed and squashed). Cut most of that bud out. I may have damaged the hairs on the other buds after inspecting a few others for pests. 90% seem right on track. Being in the northeast we may only have another 4 weeks before frost starts. I'm hoping she bulks up over the next few weeks. She's not covered and I'm praying I don't get any mold. She gets early morning sun and dries off quick. I'm always shaking her off first thing in the morning. She gets plenty of airflow as she's thinned out pretty good. Prey for me!!
Thank you. I was also very wrong in thinking Northern Lights was a saliva dominant strain. It's actually an Indica Dominant strain. Being mid September she's got another month to do her thing before she's getting chopped.
This is what I'm referring to. Top and like the 4th site down are much more red. The others are all mostly white hairs. Hope that's not a sign of it?


Well-Known Member
If you had bud rot, I don't think all the hairs would change color before showing some sort of leaf symptoms. Usually the leaves look yellow/brown, with a swayed type droop or like a dish rag hanging from a drawer knob. Yours look beautifully green. What's the humidity like?

Also top cola's tend to develop more because they're getting that direct sun! Which can play a role in trichome development. UV is suspected to stress a plant slightly since it's not a source that can be photosynthesized(Dr. Bruce Bugbee); the plant reacts by developing more of its protective layer for external threats - trichomes. Now they haven't really done extensive, in depth, certified, white collar studies just on cannabis and UV, but they studied certain aspects like "which wavelength does best at each stage of growth".


Well-Known Member
Also, if you're somewhere that humidity can get to 70%+ for multiple days, I would watch for budrot. Also am having a curious thought, as the less air flow the more likely bud rot could start. So wouldn't removing some of the BIG fan leaves around the bud site improve sunlight exposure on the nuggets as well as their air exposure? Get a giant fan leaf that collects morning dew and it's praying up waiting for the sunlight....I just wonder if all that dew running towards the bud/stem doesn't start bud rot in some cases.

Any thoughts anyone else?
OP: I'm potentially suggesting you remove those huge fan leaves that are among your cola's lol
Bognugs68.....thank you for your reply. I appreciate your knowledge. I'm in the northeast. Right now on my phone humidity is 83%.....ot can get a bit higher but once morning comes it drops right down to 50-60%. Everymorning I go and shake her. Get what I can off and once the sun hits her she dries right off. We haven't had much rain at all. It's actually kinda dry in terns of rain. We might have a bit coming soon. I'm also questioning the strain. If she is a saliva she's going to be a Sour D. I helped a buddy for a few years. So it's one of approx 6 strains. Def not any of the real heavy indicators kushs that were grown. Sour D was one of the only sativas in his mix. All I can do is keep the course and prey. She's not as thick as she looks. I can see through her from every side and can see easily to the ground below from the top. You had advised to remove the big fan leaves at tops? Aren't those needed as "solar panels" per se?


Well-Known Member
That doesn’t look like bud rot, looks like a maturing plant from the pictures. You’ll know rot when you see it, your sugar leaves will die on the rotted bud too. Peroxide is your friend.


Well-Known Member
Bognugs68.....thank you for your reply. I appreciate your knowledge. I'm in the northeast. Right now on my phone humidity is 83%.....ot can get a bit higher but once morning comes it drops right down to 50-60%. Everymorning I go and shake her. Get what I can off and once the sun hits her she dries right off. We haven't had much rain at all. It's actually kinda dry in terns of rain. We might have a bit coming soon. I'm also questioning the strain. If she is a saliva she's going to be a Sour D. I helped a buddy for a few years. So it's one of approx 6 strains. Def not any of the real heavy indicators kushs that were grown. Sour D was one of the only sativas in his mix. All I can do is keep the course and prey. She's not as thick as she looks. I can see through her from every side and can see easily to the ground below from the top. You had advised to remove the big fan leaves at tops? Aren't those needed as "solar panels" per se?
They most certainly are solar panels, so that's part of why I hope other members pitch in. You could almost say I got PTSD from budrot, as it was my first grow and Beautiful. But then some members here spotted the rot in pictures and I had to chop early - humidity was going to be 87-90%+ for the next week and half. If there's anything that can bring a "bummer ..Son Of A Bitch! After all my effort!" It's budrot. At least with mild pest infestations you can dry giving quality bud baths.

Also, something I've heard said a lot - sugar leaves and of course other leaves below the cola's will do fine supplying energy to the buds. It's just an option, and you have to decide if it's worth leaving the fan leaves to improve growth or to remove them.
What I'm calling week 7 will start this Sunday. Budsites are filling in and are reaching one another on some branches. I noticed this week two things and I'm not sure if it nute burn related or the natural progression of the plant and it's starting to fade out some leaves? Opinions? Terp tea bloom booster last Sunday. 1tsp per gallon(fed 2 gallons) then 1/2 gallon straight water. Thursday gave her 3 gallons of PH'd water. Just took these pictures just now. I know she's got atleast another 4 weeks. Up until this past week no signs of nute burn, or any fading of whole leafs. Is it both. Nute burn and her starting to use up nutrients in the leaves? Some bud tops show slight burn while others look fine.1000006321.jpg1000006320.jpg1000006319.jpg1000006322.jpg1000006323.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sweet looking plant. A nice open plant should perform well. I'm also in the NE and have found bushy plants turn into a giant blob of mildew.


Well-Known Member
Man I hope the weather can treat u well for the next month…..I think she could easily go another month. She sure does look good, so hats off for being a helluva farmer.
I live in Va and have grown outdoors plenty. The weather here can really turn fickle in late Sept & early Oct. Just try to make sure she’s thinned out enough for good airflow. And if u get any morning dew or rain, take a leaf blower and dry her off. The way she’s frosting up, it should be some great bud…..if it gets ripe.
Thank you everyone for the comments. I'm really happy with her size and structure. Even at full stretch she's still below the fence line. Honestly I threw this plant out not really expecting much. She took and since I enjoy gardening, she started getting attention right away. My wife calls her my "girlfriend ". Lol. We have had so little rain that's it's been adeal in that regards. She's so opened up that air flow is not an issue. She gets plenty of airflow. She's doing well except I'm trying to determine if some leaves are just naturally fading or something else is going on.
Sweet looking plant. A nice open plant should perform well. I'm also in the NE and have found bushy plants turn into a giant blob of mildew.
Thank you. I'm preying for us. So far weather has been fantastic. Almost no rain. I give her a gentle shake in the morning to get some dew off and then the sun rises and she dries of quick with some morning breeze and sun. Zero mold issues. She's loving being spread out.


Well-Known Member
The real big fans and some of the inner and lower stuff can show a little fade. If you aren't getting yellow and dropping until after first week of October, she should finish pretty strong.
The real big fans and some of the inner and lower stuff can show a little fade. If you aren't getting yellow and dropping until after first week of October, she should finish pretty strong.
I should just keep feeding her then? I'm only doing a once a week feeding with Roots terp tea bloom booster. Sunday starts my next week count so I feed on Sunday. Straight water Wednesday or Thursday. Then repeat.
The Roots stuff is new to me. First plant outdoor to. I have some experience indoor with buddies grows and FF nutes. Wanted to try the Roots stuff. Started out with some years old soil that's just been amended with compost and such for years. She did well in veg with minimal notes. Next year ill stick to Indicas. This 11+ week flowering business isn't for me.