Is this level of growth normal?


Hello my fellow tokers,
I've been reading for a few weeks now and you guys seem like a very knowledgeable bunch of fellows. This is my first grow so I could be doing something wrong. I have put them in good soil, water them often (2 - 4 times a week ontop of rain) and feed them nutrients like 'Seasol' to help them grow every fortnight. They've been growing for between 4 - 7 weeks now and they've not grown past the height of my hand :s My friend claims that this isn't normal but I'm not too sure.

I've attached some pictures of my 4 plants which are each roughly the same height. They look healthy with exception of one little leaf on one. Can anyone with greater expertise (most likely all of you) help me out?

EDIT: By the way I am located on the east coast of NSW, Australia just north of Sydney so it's grow season here. Shit, I just realized I posted this in the wrong section could a mod possibly move it?



ur right its not normal you let the soil dryout ? what type of soil ? how much direct light does the plants get?chill on the nutes try feeding every 1.5 -2 weeks...


No I don't let it dry out, is this a bad thing? It's just normal garden soil, the nursery said it's great for growing plants and the rest of the garden seems to love it. As for light I would say it gets most of the day (about half hour after sunrise until about half an hour til sunset). Okay thanks a lot for the tip :)


Well-Known Member
it is abnormally small for the age you claim.

get yourself some better nutrients, take a look around the website, read all about the different nutrients before you choose (highly recommended).

what is the N-P-K of your Seasol ??

Peace and Happy Growing


I must admit I have been slack on researching nutes. I've bben too absorbed in seeing everyone else's awesome grows. As for the N-P-K of Seasol this is what the products website has to say;
Seasol contains only very minor quantities of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium (N 0.10% : P 0.05% : K 2%). Seasol stimulates growth because it contains naturally occurring growth stimulants that have profound effects on plant metabolism. The growth stimulants in Seasol produce strong healthy growth of leaves, stems and root systems, and result in enhanced flowering and fruiting. They also strengthen plant cell walls, thereby increasing resistance to stresses such as drought, heat and frost, as well as insect attack and disease. Seasol also contains many trace elements which are essential for plant health.
As I'm not a well-versed gardener I can't comment on the rating but the website claims this is low. My dad says this stuff is good for establishing the plant but he himself is not a great gardener either (infact his grows have all been quite a non-event with under 10g with his 3 attempts over the past 3 years). I don't know what I'm doing wrong, my mate plants are getting big now and mine are tiny. Another mate of mine's dad had an awesome harvest last year and he didn't pay too much special attention to them.


Active Member
Leave it alone.. let it be, don't bother it by checking on it all the time. Water it twice a week at most, and the main thing, let the soil dry out before waterings so the plant can breathe!


Well-Known Member
The last 2 posters didn't even bother reading what you typed. But I agree you are watering too much. small plants do not drink that fast.
What brand soil are you using?

Get a better nutrient, Seasol is a growth stimulant and not a base nutrient, as it only contains 0.10% N, 0.05% P, 2% K. You need something like 3% N, 1% P, 2% K.

Once you have that, this next part is very important-- get yourself a ph testing kit. If your PH is off your plants will not grow.
Third, get your plants on an 18/6 light schedule (18 hours light, 6 hours darkness).
Oh, if they're vegging outside that's fine.

If any of these criteria are not fulfilled you will have plants that do not grow and appear to have froze in time.

Getting some good nutrients + liquid PH tester+ PH up/down is gonna cost you around $30-50. So if you're not prepared to invest then don't expect to get any half decent bud out of this plant.