Is This Kinda look ok


Well-Known Member
you have to wait until some leaves start developing. if the leaves are fat its an indica and it will stay pretty short and bushy and if its a sativa it will have skinny leaves and can get tall. It depends on how big they are when you switch to 12 hours of darkness for flowering and budding on how tall they get, the earlier you switch to 12 the shorter they will be


Well-Known Member
man you guys are expert cool,if you guys stop by in thailand just give me a call so I can provide you A big sweet bud


Well-Known Member
cool man but I'm live in chiangmai (north of thailand)
Thanks a lots and I will keep update and let you know if there are any probles man


Active Member
btw- clear cups are no good- the roots need darkness so slip those into some darker cups like a red or blue
fluorescent lighting is great- low heat, watts- high lumens and great results- make sure u use t-5s u can get nice ones at low cost at its a good spot to get what u need at a better than normal price