Is this growth normal? (w pics)


14 days since sprouting, it's a green crack grown in Roots Organics Original Potting Soil
No nutrients added
Basically, they're growing in a spiral, I'm not sure if this is just the smaller leafs reaching for the light past the larger fan leaves or a more serious problem. Thanks in advance!



A little too much light and nitrogen?
I moved it a few extra inches from the light, I'm running a dual spectrum 200 watt CFL and it was approx 6 inches from the light. Also I didn't add in any extra nutes (I just PH'd my water to about 6.0 everytime)

There are leaves that are quite a bit bigger than the rest and block a solid amount of sunlight to the lower growth, they also make the lower leaves contort to try and get light. (see pictures). Should I clip these or just let it run its course? Thanks again.
@Keeprollinup ty aswell


The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
I moved it a few extra inches from the light, I'm running a dual spectrum 200 watt CFL and it was approx 6 inches from the light. Also I didn't add in any extra nutes (I just PH'd my water to about 6.0 everytime)

There are leaves that are quite a bit bigger than the rest and block a solid amount of sunlight to the lower growth, they also make the lower leaves contort to try and get light. (see pictures). Should I clip these or just let it run its course? Thanks again.
@Keeprollinup ty aswell
I would keep the leaves on it until it pulls through and just water without feed when it needs it.