is this food poisoning?


Well-Known Member
HerpegonnasyphillAIDS, terminal case, worst I've seen...

You'll be checking out soon and you've got some catching up to do. Hookers n blow worked for Charlie Sheen, who am I to argue with success?


Well-Known Member
think i might of ate something bad. days ago i went to sleep and woke early in the morning. it was at least 6 hours after i ate or drank anything. probably a bit longer. i woke up to a friend stopping over and we took a few rips. a little while after i had this nauseous feeling like i was going to throw up. it was almost like a motion sickness feeling. felt a little dizzy and light headed. then i started throwing up for a little while. i felt much better and drank some water. i seemed fine for a few days but this morning it happen again. same exact feeling then throwing up and feeling better. then several hours it was doing it again but this time i didnt throw up. doesnt feel like the flu i feel fine otherwise.
I got Staphylococcal food poisoning in Las Vegas a few years ago. It was the worst thing ever…

Are you on any meds? That’s what fucked me up the most. My anti depressants were purged from my system during, so I got withdrawal and then overdose.

Be careful. Do you feel better now?


Well-Known Member
I got Staphylococcal food poisoning in Las Vegas a few years ago. It was the worst thing ever…

Are you on any meds? That’s what fucked me up the most. My anti depressants were purged from my system during, so I got withdrawal and then overdose.

Be careful. Do you feel better now?
it was a while ago now i been fine for a long time i never even went in. had a sinus infection and i think maybe it could have spread to my ear giving me the motion sickness feeling. could of been food poisoning though also. i had this almond chocolate almond milk i was drinking. it wasnt expired but maybe i had it out too long at some point. my meds only make me sick if i go off them cold turkey. no reason to do that when taking them enhances performance.


Well-Known Member
Taking your meds enhances performance? Your, like, sexual performance?
no these drugs can actually decrease sexual performance if too much is taken. i take PEDs to keep me more alert and focus better. other meds to help me sleep at night if weed doesnt work. meds that give me less anxiety. i perform better at work and elsewhere on them compared to off them. it's all about the proper dosage and having strong communication with the doctor. also judging by what peers say and my perception of how i feel. i dont use any nacotics though unless i were to absolutely need them for certain kinds of pain. weed even enhances my performance at times in some ways. helps me eat better and less combats nausea.