Is this even marijuana?


Active Member
I've been growing this in my house for a couple of months now. I'm not even totally sure if its marijuana because it dont even look like some pictures I've seen.

Also, Its been growing for about 2 months and aint produced shit. How do I make it bud (if its marijuana)?

Also, I am having trouble with some of the leaves turning yellow, and the tips of the leaves turning brown, I think this is because I have my lights on it 24/7 though, I also heard that could stop it from budding.

I have added a few pictures so you can sort of give me some advice on what the plant is, what species, and if possible, what sex. And some advice on how to make it healthier.

Thanks alot all.

P.S. This is my first time posting, and my first time growing. And actually, I didnt even think the thing was going to grow sence I have never grown before. Oh, and my camera doesent have very good close up res, but any help you can give would still be cool.



Active Member
I also done something els stupid to, but oh well, its already done. Im gonna try to transplant them asap because the bigger plant has the entire 10 gallon fish tank filled with roots.



Active Member
Oh also, for a tip for first timers. Dont be dumb like me and try to grow papaver somniferum right beside the pot plant. They wont survive. lol


Well-Known Member
change the light cycle to 12 hours on 12 hours off on the big plant. it will bud. it looks really healthy. you will be very pleased.


Well-Known Member
damn thats a fine plant for someone that didn't know it was even pot forsure hell of a good job mate


New Member
if you really didn't know that was just proves that pot will grow great without our intervention with all the shit we do...also i hope its a fem an not a male..also please tell me your what kind of lights you are useing...


Active Member
I'm using two 40 watt double bulb flourescent lights. I lined the fixtures with tin foil, and I lined the entire closet with tin foil.

The lights cost me probably a total of 20 dollars. The fixtures were around 6-8 dollars a piece (at ace hardware for 4 foot fixtures) and the bulbs were $1.50 a piece.

I've started the 12 hour cycle now, so how many days should it be before it starts to bud?

Thanks for the compliments on it. Any advice on what to do with the baby plants though? some of them died from over/under watering. But some are still alive and pretty healthy, Im thinking I should transplant them now before their roots have time to intwine with the larger plants roots. Or should I just let them go? I know the root system of the larger plant has completely filled that fish tank, so Im guessing I should move the smaller plants.

Also, I didnt even germinate any seeds or nothing, I just made a hole with a pencil and through the seeds in there. lol.

A pic of the baby plants has been added.


Well-Known Member
I'm using two 40 watt double bulb flourescent lights. I lined the fixtures with tin foil, and I lined the entire closet with tin foil.

The lights cost me probably a total of 20 dollars. The fixtures were around 6-8 dollars a piece (at ace hardware for 4 foot fixtures) and the bulbs were $1.50 a piece.

I've started the 12 hour cycle now, so how many days should it be before it starts to bud?

Thanks for the compliments on it. Any advice on what to do with the baby plants though? some of them died from over/under watering. But some are still alive and pretty healthy, Im thinking I should transplant them now before their roots have time to intwine with the larger plants roots. Or should I just let them go? I know the root system of the larger plant has completely filled that fish tank, so Im guessing I should move the smaller plants.

Also, I didnt even germinate any seeds or nothing, I just made a hole with a pencil and through the seeds in there. lol.

A pic of the baby plants has been added.
dude, do some reading in the FAQs and stickies please;)

with your weak lightning it will take some time till you gone see something, my bet is 3weeks+:D
also, you don't just need some light, for grow/veg you need light that is in the blue spec - 6500K, for flowering you will need different light which is in the red spec, so 2700K.

do yourself a favor and get down to read those stickies and FAQs quickly!


Well-Known Member
takes about 8 weeks.. if you really want to see some action add a 1000 watt hps light


Well-Known Member
takes about 8 weeks.. if you really want to see some action add a 1000 watt hps light
a 400W will be normally enough, even if you got a stretched plant like this one, it doesn't take that much power to flower even if it is nice to have;) for a good flower this plant has to be topped down by 50% anyway, guess it has some 4ft+ or so. 1000W is only needed if you have a huge grow and going semi-pro to pro, then this size would be needed:D


Well-Known Member
can you really say whats enough light? you could do either, a 400 or a 1000,hell a 250 or 600. but i promise you the 1000 will produce the biggest buds.


Well-Known Member
chances are if he did know it was a plant (and i say this loosly) hes prolly not going to want to fork very much money. i just cant believe he didnt "know" what he was growing. tell that to a judge. dominion: check out rosemans grow.


Active Member
Oh, and does anyone know whats causing that one leaf to turn yellow, and some of the others tips to brown?

Also, a pic of my lights have been added. and why are purple streaks on my stems? is this normal?

Thanks all for your replies.



Active Member
I assumed what it was, because I planted it. But there has been so many seeds around that fish tank I wasent for sure. Because I've seen alot of pictures and mine seems to be, I dunno, just somewhat different. So I wasent 100% sure.


Active Member
Oh, and the lights are flourescent. they are 40 watt lights, but they produce a much greater light output i was told. Thats the reason I got them.

And still, even if what I was told was wrong, thats still 160 watts of power.


Active Member
good luck man! its my first time grow and i only got 5 seedlings so i cant give u much info or anything lol just keep going