? is this chlorine toxicity?


Well-Known Member
Been using same Britta filter since December and recently got a new one. The old one mightve been letting chlorine + others through im not sure. Looked kinda like sulphur def but I was feeding +/- 1tsp epsom every watering for mag/sulphur up until week ~5 of flower. Then stopped to give gypsum n no epsom with the soil compacting i figured mag excess. The ph was high 7.5s like 4 waterings ago but been ph'ing to 6.5 everytime. Aswell as 0.5 tsp kelp for zinc n micro last 3 waters. Last night i flushed 2 tsp big bloom, ~1 tbs diced yucca and 2tsp aloe goop Ph was 7 but i didn't add ph down to minimize salts
What the duck is yellowing my pants? ??20160826_145839.jpg


Well-Known Member
could be a calcium phosphate lock up ? calcium phosphate can build up in the rootzone with out bacteria to break it down

Chlorine can kill the soil bacteria plus most water (tap water more so) has a lot of cal in it

It`s why I avoid using high phosphorus feeds till near the end of bloom if at all

I like to hammer the potassium 1-2-3 ratio works but some times I`ll push to 1-2-6 or more potassium sulphate is my friend


Well-Known Member
could be a calcium phosphate lock up ? calcium phosphate can build up in the rootzone with out bacteria to break it down

Chlorine can kill the soil bacteria plus most water (tap water more so) has a lot of cal in it

It`s why I avoid using high phosphorus feeds till near the end of bloom if at all

I like to hammer the potassium 1-2-3 ratio works but some times I`ll push to 1-2-6 or more potassium sulphate is my friend
Think you nailed that on the head ;) i had phos def early flower and was hammering down 1tsp tiger 2/3 of the waterings which already had cal nitrate not to mention the tap water killing off/locking the bacteria. Still trying to figure out how to manage calmag, i was thinking mag was deficient early on too much mag started to lock cal into soil. I think up til harvest (~5wks) no more gyp/epsom, no tiger for the next 2 or 3 waterings, no kelp for next 2ish, and pretty much flush flush flush with aloe n yucca with 1-2tsp bloom.

That helped clarify the picture a lot
Thanks TheKonassure!


Well-Known Member
Where did you get potash sulfate that would be useful
I use elixir garden supplies but I`m in the UK

ebay 1kg potassium sulphate, should be like £2 to £6 or so for some good water soluble stuff like 0-0-60, cheaper if you buy it in larger amounts

any grow shop or even a heath food shop should keep it in, maybe even a good aquatic pet shop

yeah I try to just feed cal/mag stuff like every other week and by week 4 or so of bloom I try to not give too much phosphorus or cal/mag as you need to cut them down during the last few weeks anyway you can`t always be sure when using tap water that you`ll have the bennies to get the job done

I also sometimes start using more organic type feeds later in bloom like that crap they make from worms and stuff as it has high potassium low phosphorus and helps with the bennies, also it stinks so the bugs hate it and if the food stinks normally makes the plants stink too

but potassium sulphate a good way to yield more and get a better taste and smell