Is this bud rot?

I am 7 weeks into flowering and i just noticed this today. Is this bud rot or caused by root rot maybe? Or just bad leaves? Im growing in 1 gallon pots of FFOF and perlite. The sugar leaves are really thick and crispy right there

Pics are there. And yes, that's bud rot.
Wouldn't I see moldy patches if it were bud rot? When I looked closely, all I could see was dried crispy brown leaves with clear trichomes on them. I picked those dead sugar leaves off and it looks like normal bud underneath. However these buds on this plant feel a little denser and drier than the others. Maybe I should harvest that branch and break it open to check? Don't wanna fuck up my yield if its not though!


Active Member
When I had It I saw patches of Cobb web looking shit, the bud will be super soft, kinda squishy and very dark colored. I cut it out immediately and didn't have any problems after that, fixed my humidity problem
When I had It I saw patches of Cobb web looking shit, the bud will be super soft, kinda squishy and very dark colored. I cut it out immediately and didn't have any problems after that, fixed my humidity problem
Sounds more like you had spider mites that caused the rot maybe?

Maybe I should just cut this branch out. It's only one of 40 or 50 colas like that

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
The affected bud will be crumbly and fall apart when worked between the fingers, and starts in patches. If it's started you are better off to pull and harvest.


Well-Known Member
Did you squeeze and inspect the bud gently to see if it looks/feels rotten? Sometimes if we go to heavy on Nitrogen late in flower the top part of the plant closest to the lights burns. This can also happen from acidic soil and a release of Nitrogen. Or possibly something you sprayed the plants with to treat for...? Did or do you have spider mites? Also I believe I see signs of burning, did you overfeed your plants and at that time did you flush them with pH'd water? If you didn't then flush them or the buds won't taste too good. If you flush do it 2 to 1 at least if you can. Then If you are giving nutrients then give them a light dose of pH'd bloom nutrients and allow to dry.


Well-Known Member
Either way its depressing
If its just burnt tip's its not a problem ,if its bud rot that is depressing,but can still make hash but make sure that you break the buds up really small the shit will float to the surface,but be careful dude.Last thing you wanna be doing is smoking bud with any kind of fungi in it