is this bud rot

Where is the budrot?
I e had it several times and I'm sorry but either it's too early or you don't have it. Do u have more pics?
once before i harvest and few small buds got rot and my cuisin took them and sell them i told him not too but his ugly
I wouldn't smoke's not completely rotted threw but it's there. .I Can smell it from here.
Hahaha. Let all these dudes smoke that rotten bud and talk about how great it is.

Maybe people don't know what they're looking for, maybe they don't understand how fucking nasty even the possibility of mold spores are, and how highly unethical it is to sell moldy bud. That bud is rotten. Smoke up homies. It's your lungs.

The fact is, if the OP didn't think something was wrong, he wouldn't have made this post. I get the desire for reassurance that the crop is fine, and you didn't waste all that time and money, but...

You gotta know when to let a crop go...
Definitively bud rot, I wouldn't smoke it like that but you can turn it to water hash and it would be safe to smoke
That must still be wet, you can see one larger white mycelium colony sticking out. Toast for smoking,but BHO able?