Is This Botrytis aka" Bud Mold" ??


I was given some old school Thunderfuck....not sure if it is Alaskan or Matanuskan...but I basically just have this one lady in my vegetable garden in between a few tomato plants.

I dosed her a few times early on with Medi-One, then a couple more times when her older leaves started to yellow, but I am essentially trying to see how well Mother Nature can do on her own.

She has come along quite nicely but now during this final two week stretch before she comes down, Ive noticed some imperfections.

Ive found 3 areas over the course of the last 2 weeks with these decaying brown spots. Id find a leaf all shriveled up with a dark purplish rusty brown color, then any bud in surrounding that leaf would look like this....

I yanked out the first two affected areas of bud last week, but found another area today that wasnt affected last week and had to yank out the nugs in the pictures. Some research leads me to believe that this is botrytis aka bud mold. If it is, (or even if it isn't) can anyone tell me how to deal with this?? Im thinking to maybe just cut her down early before any other areas get affected, but ideally I would rather let her ripen a bit more......what's my best play at this point??? Please and thanks, I appreciate any help!!

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it looks like it to me , has the foliage been wet for a while ? in that pic tho it looks nice an dry/crispy even.does it have the little white mouldy hairs on it ?
ya i seen some of those little white mouldy hairs, and ya weve been getting hit these past few weeks with some heavy rainfalls...what do you suggest??
Ive been shaking the rain off as best i could without being too vigorous....but I dont wanna be losing any more good vegetation, especially so close to harvest....Im thinking, build rain coverage, or cut now to avoid any more mold since it's been raining heaviy lately, whatchu think?
Ive been shaking the rain off as best i could without being too vigorous....but I dont wanna be losing any more good vegetation, especially so close to harvest....Im thinking, build rain coverage, or cut now to avoid any more mold since it's been raining heaviy lately, whatchu think?
yea goto your local hardware store and pickup some poly urethane or what ever its called.its the transparent film the use on greenhouses. then just put up 4 stacks in the ground and tie it over the plant, this way your plant is still geting the UV rays it needs.