Is this a zinc def. or lockout of zinc ?


Well-Known Member
"Lockout" will show itself as a "deficiency, so I can't really answer that question because those two things are 'cause and effect' rather than "Yes, or no?, issues. looks like a magnesium deficiency, possibly caused by lockout. :wink:


Active Member
"Lockout" will show itself as a "deficiency, so I can't really answer that question because those two things are 'cause and effect' rather than "Yes, or no?, issues. looks like a magnesium deficiency, possibly caused by lockout. :wink:
Sorry for being redundant i meant to say does this look like a zinc deficiency i know about lack of nute versus inability to absorb due to PH etc. Ive looked at numerous photos of nute problems and my best guess was zinc. But not being sure wanted some opinions it might be mag. Im using Canna nutes in hydro and its not real heavy on mag in the flower nutes. I am curious why this is only occurring on one plant out of 5 in a common bubbler tub and one other is the same strain. guess this one is just mag hungry. Do you know of a foliar spray so that i can apply mag. to just this one and not the resovoir as to not OD the others on mag. Thanks for the reply and information.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
to foliar feed mag, just mix a tsp. of epsom salt in a gallon of water, (do the math for reduced amounts.) it's easier to dissolve e.s. if the water is hot. i mix it in a shot glass.