is this a stupid idea?


Well-Known Member
just explain why he needs a light mover for a 4x4 tent? if he gets a 1/2 decent hood and a diffuser for his bulb explain how 2 600w's would be more efficient then 1 1000w lets compare please

1200w of power for 150k lumens
1000w of power for 150k lumens

double your overhead costs on ballasts bulbs and hoods so lets say he is payin 300 a piece for a 600w ballast then another 150-200 a piece for the hoods 100 a bulb takes 200 watts more power for same lumen output lookin at what like 1200-1300 bucks startup before a plant even grows a 1000w setup can be 700 out the door

so again ill ask you to explain how 2 600w's is more efficient than 1 1000w seein as to how you explained nothing but the size of his tent which i already knew
Not that lumens add up in the garden. But 600 watt hps bulbs average 90,000 lumensx2=more then 150,000.


Well-Known Member
What are spot bitches.
Sounds like your first grow maybe wait till need the extra lumens. Cuz yourwhat is holding the grow back as of now
I agree, go for it. 6x4 tent + 2-600 watt lights + 16 Big Bud plants = Priceless........
im assuming that he bought a tent thats 2m tall not long because that would mean that his tent would only be 1.2m tall he said 2mx1.2mx1.2 he didnt add that m there on the last one so i dont think you seen that and youre right my numbers on the 600w were wrong my bad brain fart i still believe 1 1000w would be more cost effective to run i said all this not realizing he already had the 600w in which case i think another 600w or even a 1000w to run by its side is a great idea like kershivo said no use wasting the new equipment but from a scratch basis i would recommend running 1 1000w instead of 2 600w just personal opinion cowboy take it or leave it