Is This a Second Bloom Phase During Bloom!?


Ok this is a small small grow of 4 Diesel ryder in a DWC under 6 40watt(150 equive.) CFL's, using GH nutes, lucas bloom formula

ok this lr is in its 5th week of flower it was going ok, mostly ok popcorn buds, wasn't expecting much from Lr under CFLs, few days ago the fans were turned up high because temps are getting high and lowered the room to a much better 75f 40% humid, now 3 days later, after being in 5weeks flower, with around 50% hairs red, it now has 3x more bud and tons of new hair, when should i harvest this? is this normal..., how far away dose harvest look? also one of the LRs is 3ft tall this normal?



Well-Known Member
You're not done yet. It looks close in one pic, but you have to go by the plant overall and not take one mature looking branch as an indicator.

Buds get bigger as the plant ages through flower. Be patient, the best is coming.

Good luck :)