is this a preflower


Well-Known Member
like the saying goes pics or it didnt happen. but i hear you. ive never heard of 3 week in veg showing sex it just doesnt happen in photoperiod
Never heard of it either, only when the plant is mature it will begin to show sex but hey who knows, pot does funny things sometimes.


Active Member
interesting discussion, just my two tarnished pennies. you can sex some plants as early as 3-4 weeks, i was able to on my first grow of ak-47s. i just picked up my bible and thumbed through it and found a section that does in fact say you can sex some strains as early as 3 weeks. jorge cervantes i believe stated in one of his videos i saw on youtube you can sex them usually between 4th set and 6th set of branches after about a month. if you are a non believer, ed rosenthals(the bible i mentioned above) book p. 329 does say around a few weeks old and a foot tall. also, the more rapidly and faster growing plants are males, generally speaking, if you are really concerned about sexing your plants, you can root a cutting and flower it, hopefully in a different area, to be safe.

if you need pictures of said page in said book, ill be more than happy to take a picture for you :)

good luck !


Active Member
:::::::::::sorry for this correction, but i just reread the section on cuttings, you do not have to root them, but when you take the cutting, says to put in soil(research this), you can give it 12/12 and usually about 10 days youll see results which will show you her/his sex. ok now the book also states that you can jump to 10 light 14 darkness to speed up the flowering process by 3 days for sexing. ::::::::::::::

when you see little white hairs popping out then you know you have another girlfriend and then you know its time to LAY THA PIMP HAND DOWN. :)