Is this a pollen sack? (pics)


Active Member

This little thing has appeared on a lower node of a very healthy female which has white hairs all around. So what's up?

I hope some chubby white hairs come out of this thing...




Well-Known Member
but do you have any other plants, even if it is a hermie you can still complete flowering if it is separated to keep your other plants seedless. you can still get some smokeable bud from a hermie itll just have a few seeds in it.
dont fret my man. if you do have other plants just separate this one from the others and continue flowering.


Well-Known Member
but do you have any other plants, even if it is a hermie you can still complete flowering if it is separated to keep your other plants seedless. you can still get some smokeable bud from a hermie itll just have a few seeds in it.
dont fret my man. if you do have other plants just separate this one from the others and continue flowering.

No because even if it is a hermie, The pollen sacks can still burst.


Well-Known Member
The second picture shows male signs. I am sorry it appears you have a hermpahrodite.
Why be sorry? Again a hermie is not a bad thing! whats the worst that could happen? so you get a few seeds in your bud, have you never bought bud with seeds? Did it get you high? and if a hermie pollinates itself or other females in the room you will get 99.9% female seeds!!!


Active Member
Well, thanks.

Unfortunately there is no other place to put this greedy! plant but the window sill. It won't continue flowering at the window sill which has a weak indirect North sun, will it?

I'll probably wait a couple of days to see if it's a hermaphrodite. If it is, i think it's because i played around the light cycle too much and cut clones from this one when it already had preflowers. If it turns out to be a hermaphrodite, i'll cut clones from nodes which are female.

Assuming that the plant is genetically a female. And since it is likely that the stress-caused hermaphroditism doesn't affect the whole plant's genetic code, i guess these clones will produce female plants. I just assume though :)

Here is an overall shot:


Well-Known Member
Is it possible that it is a female and you had her near another male and she got slightly pollinated? It happens to me sometimes and I end up with just a few seeds and it is all good.
Were there any other males around it?


Active Member
Is it possible that it is a female and you had her near another male and she got slightly pollinated? It happens to me sometimes and I end up with just a few seeds and it is all good.
Were there any other males around it?
There were males, but as soon as they formed sacs i took them out. They had sexed during when they were 30 days from sprout (under 24 hours of light) by the way:?:

These are the males when i took them out, do you think they were mature enough to pollinate a female which had only a few preflowers by then?



Well-Known Member
Well there was but as soon as they formed pollen sacks i took them out. They had sexed when they were 30 days from sprout by the way:?:

These are the males when i took them out, do you think they were mature enough to pollinate a female which had only a few preflowers by then?
Yeah, I do. I think it is very possible ONE sac could of opened and lightly pollinated your female. You said this is obviously a female plant, and she is only showing this one sac. I would pinch it off and keep an eye on her to make sure she is not producing anymore. I bet that she just got pollinated, lightly, from one of your other males. Mine looked just like yours when this happened to me.


Well-Known Member
I just looked at your pic again (the first one) to me, that appears to be a seed, not a sac. I think she got pollinated, which is not a bad thing! You will get some extra seeds.


Active Member
...and if a hermie pollinates itself or other females in the room you will get 99.9% female seeds!!!
Well i'm interested... Are you sure of this? What would be the percentage of hermies from a hermie-female breed?

I'll keep you guys posted. I think it will be apparent tomorrow...