Is this a nitrogen or magnesium deficiency?


Well-Known Member
ya even a 1/4 dose that's still 2.5 to 3 mls per gallon

anything over 1.5 would be too much N

at 2.5 mls per gallon the N is super high, the P is fine and the K is low

if you convert the % amounts its

189ppm N (way to high almost double)
40ppm P (fine)
77 ppm K (low)

so theres no doubt you've over fed the N with that dose


This would account for the claw and the burned tips.

Is your opinion that I am having a nitrogen overdose and magnesium deficit?

With the yellowing top leaves now it looks like an iron deficit too. :(

From what I read, plant stress can display things similar to nutriment deficiencies.

If we go back to my first post, I had not given anything to the plant except water but I was still experiencing yellow lower leaves. Is it probable that via a single dose, I pushed it from nitrogen deficiency to nitrogen overdose? How does the magnesium come into play here?


Well-Known Member
This would account for the claw and the burned tips.

Is your opinion that I am having a nitrogen overdose and magnesium deficit?

With the yellowing top leaves now it looks like an iron deficit too. :(

From what I read, plant stress can display things similar to nutriment deficiencies.

If we go back to my first post, I had not given anything to the plant except water but I was still experiencing yellow lower leaves. Is it probable that via a single dose, I pushed it from nitrogen deficiency to nitrogen overdose? How does the magnesium come into play here?


Well-Known Member
your lower leaves where yellowing and the plant was asking for some food

possibly several things if you hadn't fertilized

then you jambed a bunch of N down her throat and she got sick from too much and the leaves curled down

who knows you could also be lacking iron

without a properly balanced fertilizer your not going to get passed your issues

whats the iron % in the fertilizer you have/used?

post a recent pic


I think it looks slightly better than just before I watered it.

Here it is:


Fertilizer details
Guaranteed Minimum Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N) 28%
Nitrate Nitrogen 1.7%
Ammoniacal Nitrogen 0.3%
Urea Nitrogen 26%
Available Phosphoric Acid (P2O5) 14%
Soluble Phosphorus 6.1%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 14%
Soluble Potassium 11.6%
Calcium (Ca) 0%
Magnesium (Mg) 0%
Chelated Iron (actual) (Fe) 0.100%
Chelated Manganese (actual) (Mn) 0.050%
Chelated Zinc (actual) (Zn) 0.050%
Chelated Copper (actual) (Cu) 0.050%
Boron (actual) (B) 0.020%
Molybdenum (actual) (Mo) 0.0005%
EDTA (chelating agent) 1.24%


Well-Known Member
ya man.. I think its time to feed her again but

that plants in bloom you don't want to use that fertilizer during bloom

the iron is also very low

theres no magnesium and no calcium whats so ever... it doesn't even have sulfur so its incomplete
honestly it looks like something youd use on a lawn, along with some lime

the plant does look better... its still showing magnesium def
spray her with 1/4 tsp Epsom salt per gallon and again in 3 days...

you need a proper fertilizer or something we can stack on top of this one that has high K and a good amount of the micro nutes like iron

see whats available to you, take pics of the labels that shows the % amounts and what its derived from but don't buy it and post the pics so we can get you square before you buy


Since i am in the great white north, my selection of fertilizers is limited. Everything I have seen in the big box stores is either miracle gro or scotts turf fertilizer. I will go to the plant store this weekend to see if I can score something better.

Anyone got recommendations on something I could order online?


Well-Known Member
the general hydropic flora grow and flora nova is super easy and works well and its complete 8mls of one or the other per gallon full strength

theres plenty of options

maxi grow and maxi bloom 50/50 2 grams each for bloom full strength or 4 grams grow for veg

these are both easy to use and complete and balanced


I bought some flora grow as it was the only readily available one that I could order. I should get it in a couple of days.

I should go 50% strength on the first feeding right?


Looks like she pulled threw! Thanks!

Now I have an issue with height because I did not expect it to grow this tall. This is why I have some lightburn and funky looking leafs on top. Also, why there are a couple 90 degrees bends in the stems.

Any ideas when she will be ready?

IMG_20170706_210605372.jpg IMG_20170706_210624447.jpg


Well-Known Member
theres no way for me to know that

but most take 8 to 12 weeks of 12/12

with 9 to 10 weeks being most common


Well-Known Member
if your very careful

you can start at the base of the stalk and tie a loose loop

then wrap the string (carefully) around the stalk while moving upward
until you get a few inches from the top

carefully guiding string to not mess up the leaves or branches or in the bud sites

then take the string from the top and bend it down ...bending the top over...
but its a real risk if you end up breaking the stalk that would suck bad

maybe a safe option is to use some bamboo stakes and try and guide the top over and tie it to the stake to get it out from under the bulb directly



I was able to bend the main cola so that it fit under the light without being directly pressed against it.

After a dry, I was able to collect a good 47 grams out of that plant and I am currently curing it.

Unfortunately, the main cola got a bit of bud rot because it was not suspended while drying. I am making some tincture out of that.