Is this a male?

Yup cooler soil helps out. I have thought about splitting up time to keep soil temps down.

No.... they dont make co2 or O2 in the dark. They need a less light period and soil temps to fluctuate

They do not even use co2 in the dark period.
Nobody said co2 plants thrive on co2 but emit o2 but what plant life doesn't emit o2
Nobody said co2 plants thrive on co2 but emit o2 but what plant life doesn't emit o2

They do not emit O2 in the dark...already editted before you responded.

Stomas are closed at night.

They do not use CO2 in the dark.

Once the dark happens they use up the stored energy growing pretty quick and there is no more energy coming till you turn those lights back on.

They will stretch in the dark though if you like stretchy plants.
Just voicing my opinion in an open forum Shrubber,Just like everyone else. Pothead's a stereotype not all of us are fond of, it does nothing for the advancement of our cause, neither does arguing with people who's minds are made up. I erased my comment because I knew it didn't contribute to the topic of this thread in a positive way.
I hope you have a great day and don't let my opinion alter your life in any negative light, it's not meant to.
this a site for potheads....if you expect to get answers here without tangents, you're in the wrong place, and if you expect us to give a shit if you like it, wrong place
I think the diverse mind set of people make me laugh I enjoy All points of view no matter how heinous they are lol and encourage more everyday because at the end of the day I'm going smoke this fat hash joint and keep it growing lol