Is this a male plant? or too early to tell


Well-Known Member
What makes you think its a male? I really can't see any male parts, but then again the picture isn't right up in the nodes.
I have two auto berry plants that have had the female pistils for a week and just wasn't sure if the afghan would follow soon after. But the auto flower grows and a much faster rate so that could be why.


Well-Known Member
u say 5weeks i hope thats how long flower + veg bc if u been flowering for 5weeks u have a problem


Well-Known Member
They showed there sex because they are autoflowers. The reason why your other plant has not showed sex is because it is not mature enough, or it was not put into 12/12 to get it to flower. You should be able to tell its sex a week or so after it goes 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Oh really? When do you think would be a good time to switch to 12/12
Well, it all depends on what you want the plant to be size wise, and how much it will stretch. Some strains stretch more than others. I Usually wait til mine are about 2 feet to switch to 12/12. But then again I like to have big plants, and have the lighting to penetrate a 3 foot plant. I usually grow 2-4 3 foot plants and my HPS light does great. Usually get about a QP from 2 plants

I grew Afgan before and it didn't stretch to much. Also you have to think about your lighting before you get it to big. Do you have enough lighting to penetrate a big plant? What lights you using to flower?

By looking at the picture, I would wait another week or two, but I flower with a 400W HPS so I don't mind them getting big.


Well-Known Member
Here are some updated pictures, have had the plant on 12/12 for about 4 or 5 days still can not tell if male or female. View attachment 1238171View attachment 1238172View attachment 1238173View attachment 1238174
When you take the picture, get the camera really close to the internodes so we can see whats going on. I do see buds on some of those plants. Was that your autoflowers? If you just put it into 12/12 5 days ago you still got a little before it will show its sex. Usually takes a week to two weeks to show. Be patient, it will show eventually.