is this a male or a hemie??? please take a quick look! thanks A TON!!!

what kind of yield do you think you would get off 2 plants in a 60x60cm 120cm high space ( not auto seed ) 1x 250CFL Blue 24hours and a 70w HPS flood light 16hours for veg and 250w blue, 250w red CFLs and 70w hps all 12hour on 12 hour off for flowering with formulex, canna terra veg, bloom, boost, pk 13/14 ? how much you think the yield would be? thanks


Well-Known Member
what kind of yield do you think you would get off 2 plants in a 60x60cm 120cm high space ( not auto seed ) 1x 250CFL Blue 24hours and a 70w HPS flood light 16hours for veg and 250w blue, 250w red CFLs and 70w hps all 12hour on 12 hour off for flowering with formulex, canna terra veg, bloom, boost, pk 13/14 ? how much you think the yield would be? thanks
like 2lbs prb


Well-Known Member
:D im happy with that answer, 2lbs is awesome for such a cheap set up
my statement was made to come off as sarcasm, you hijacked a thread with some crazy unorganized question. ide say you would be lucky to get 2 oz per plant depending on how long you veg for
my statement was made to come off as sarcasm, you hijacked a thread with some crazy unorganized question. ide say you would be lucky to get 2 oz per plant depending on how long you veg for
i thought there would be a better yield that that for 33000lumens, sorry dude first time i used a forum, didnt mean to intrude peace