Is this a hermie? Will it polinate others? Do I kill it?


It is not too late. The things you are seeing are fertilized calyxs (probably happened at least a couple weeks ago) meaning somewhere there are male flowers that have already opened. They could continue to grow and will continue to drop pollen and make more seeds. Look above the seeds where pollen would drop from and land on those particular buds, and look downwind from it-that's where they are going to be.
Its not to late for what? Im really medicated and im sorry if im coming across as a moron but I dont feel like anyone is giving me any real advise as to what to do here. I understand somewhere theres male flowers dropping pollen. So Do I just leave everything? Do I get rid of this plant? Im still 20-30 days from harvesting anything. Wind coming from everywhere


Well-Known Member
leave her alone mate. or you fucked. if she is an he just pull the balls off and the seeds out, but i dont think she his an he. hope you got that.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Its not to late for what? Im really medicated and im sorry if im coming across as a moron but I dont feel like anyone is giving me any real advise as to what to do here. I understand somewhere theres male flowers dropping pollen. So Do I just leave everything? Do I get rid of this plant? Im still 20-30 days from harvesting anything. Wind coming from everywhere
Its still a little early to see the bananas im a few days into week 5, if I had to take a guess this is the plant with the problem so I guess maybe kill it so it dont get my other ones? I only have 2 of this strain and they were each takin from different flowering plants my last run. the other one like it only has a couple balls like that nothing like this one does. Theres 10 total flowering 2 of this strain both takin from different plants.
My point was that you already have male flowers that have opened so it's not too early to find them. Killing the seeded plant won't eliminate the problem because it isn't necessarily the hermaphrodite. Those are seeds not male flowers, so you have to kill the hermaphrodite. Really though, the damage is already done. You might as well ride it out and salvage what you can by removing any visible male flowers or removing the plant(s) responsible.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Well hopefully the rest are all female. Good luck man. The male flowers will be a lot easier to see once you start trimming. Inspect all your plants closely and try to eliminate any other hermis if you find any.


Its not to late for what? Im really medicated and im sorry if im coming across as a moron but I dont feel like anyone is giving me any real advise as to what to do here. I understand somewhere theres male flowers dropping pollen. So Do I just leave everything? Do I get rid of this plant? Im still 20-30 days from harvesting anything. Wind coming from everywhere
dude. you keep the damn plant. i wouldn't dare throw it out. i don't care how many others you have. put it in a separate building to finish up like maybe a garage or something. hell, give it to a friend. but don't throw it out. since the plant looks suspicious to you, separate it i say or give it to a friend. first of all. secondly, if you feel like it is a hermie, then find the male plant or other hermie that caused it and separate it too. since your winds are blowing cause you really don't want to bother the other plants that are not in question. 20 to 30 days is a long time to keep a pollinating male or hermie in the bunch. so just separate the ones in question. i would even separate the plant that had or have the two balls on it.