Is this a hermie? Will it polinate others? Do I kill it?


I just stared week 5 yesterday and this strain usually comes down at 62 days or so. I got this strain from clone and this is like the 6th run with it and I never kept a mother just always took clones off early flowering plants. I have seen a few random balls like this on the strain in the past but no clusters like shown in the pics. they are mainly just filled with liquid. I do find a seed here and there on this strain usually and maybe a banana or two towards the end of the cycle. Do I need to kill this pant. Im doing a 10 plant grow only 2 are this strain, the other pant of this strain only had like 2-3 single balls that i saw versus this one with clusters in more then one place. mostly on the bottom half thats visible on the more popcorn stuff.



Some strains grow larger pods in buds and tend to smoke quite pleasant in my experience. The male pods seem to grow mostly in armpits of the bud near the pistils where you first see signs of female flowering and I have not seen them grow as the bud itself. There usually is a distinct difference and have BOTH male parts AND female parts. Unlike a bud that has been pollinated where seed pods will form throughout the bud....the vast majority of your bud seems to be GOOD pods leaving me to safely say...... pull it and mail it to me please i will dispose of that ugly sticky pretty thing.


Is it safe to keep around then? Its by far the smallest in the room id rather take the loss now if I should get rid of it.


Given you are so close to harvest I would pinch off the male growth and move forward.

I may be wrong but I don't see any definitive male growth. just morsels but if its clearly the same strain with totally funky growth from the others you have then pluck it. Like I said it can be a strains trait to bud that way but no way to tell unless you compare and contrast I just had a clone that was supposed to be "Ice" that nuged up like that and it was amazing and I didnt find any seeds in 9 other plants surrounding it.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
looks like a female with swollen plump sumptuous calyxes to me bro. those nubs at the base look like seed pods, you may have brought a little pollen in with you on your clothes, orit could have snuck in through your vents, dont sweat it. 1 or 2 seeds is no big deal.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Thatplant is already pollinated. The male flowers that are responsible could be from any plant in your garden. Look for the little yellow banana looking pods growing in the buds. It happens, you don't necessarily have to kill the plant unless it is the hermaphrodite and you have other plants that are at risk of being pollinated by it. If they are all clones from the same mom, I wouldn't run it anymore.


Active Member
^ beat me too it.
Im surprised no said it earlier. It was obvious in the first pic...
Or maybe i ve had my fair share of those in the recent past its still fresh in my mind. Lol


Thatplant is already pollinated. The male flowers that are responsible could be from any plant in your garden. Look for the little yellow banana looking pods growing in the buds. It happens, you don't necessarily have to kill the plant unless it is the hermaphrodite and you have other plants that are at risk of being pollinated by it. If they are all clones from the same mom, I wouldn't run it anymore.
Its still a little early to see the bananas im a few days into week 5, if I had to take a guess this is the plant with the problem so I guess maybe kill it so it dont get my other ones? I only have 2 of this strain and they were each takin from different flowering plants my last run. the other one like it only has a couple balls like that nothing like this one does. Theres 10 total flowering 2 of this strain both takin from different plants.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
It is not too late. The things you are seeing are fertilized calyxs (probably happened at least a couple weeks ago) meaning somewhere there are male flowers that have already opened. They could continue to grow and will continue to drop pollen and make more seeds. Look above the seeds where pollen would drop from and land on those particular buds, and look downwind from it-that's where they are going to be.