Is this a hermie or a calyx? please help

Very good question dank, I'm guessing some serious bleaching and scrubbing of the area after is in order, but this grow area is out wide open in the room, so the pollen may be kicking around everywhere ready to impregnate the next grow? off to the back right corner is three more in day 17 of veg, are they in danger of being pollinated also?


If you keep a hermie and just say hey I'm getting some seeds on this grow long is the pollen potent for? The concern being if you do another grow in the same space and don't want any seeds, can the pollen from the previous grow impregnate your females if you missed it during clean up between grows?
To sum it up with absolute certainty yes these are female plants that have hermied and grown male flowers/preflowers.

If 4 out of 5 have gone, chances are there is either A. something universal stressing the plants (light leak) or B. The strain is hermaphroditic or has a strong tendency towards it. I have had strains like these that produced some male flowers at week 2 and never again. I've also had strains that continued to produce male flowers until the end of flowering. In my growing days upon developing my room I had light leaks and when fixing them, the male flowers ceased.

What to do from here. The plants are very sensitive to the light cycle. Make sure they get full 12 hours COMPLETE darkness. Your night-time ventilation situation is a little unfortunate. Ideally you would want the same ventilation during both cycles. Since you say the tent puffs up, this tells me you are blowing air into the tent. Generally it is better to have a negative pressure system vs. a positive, = sucking air out of the room creates a vacuum in the room. I would really suggest getting an inline fan to pull air from the tent; even a cheap one if its all you can do for now. Suffocating the plants in the dark cycle could cause hermies? Es possible. Again make sure there are absolutely no light leaks.

Pinch off the male flowers and continue to check them daily. Hopefully you can keep them under control. Because 4 of 5 have gone, I would not kill any of them, it'd be a waste. Use this harvest to optimize your grow conditions. Even a badly seeded well cared for crop with good genetics is worth something. If you have a problem plant that continues to grow a lot of male flowers I might ditch herm. Also place the plants with more tendency towards male flowers furthest down wind of your fan. Since you are moving them everyday you'll have a chance each day to get a good 360 degree look at all the nodes and keep the males pretty well under wraps.

Good Luck.
Yes thank you for the knowledge and recommendations. Another key piece of information I left out is, the seeds used to grow this batch, is from a sample from a fellow grower. The reason seeds were in the sample was cause that grower's plant also hermied for reasons unknown. So wonder if the fact of the seeds being from a hermie contributed to this outcome. The tent is light tight, all the lights in the area were turned on and during the day with sunlight shining through the windows. One was zipped up inside to see if it was in fact light tight, and indeed it was confirmed. lots learned through this first experience. next time will be legitimate seeds :-P

To sum it up with absolute certainty yes these are female plants that have hermied and grown male flowers/preflowers.

If 4 out of 5 have gone, chances are there is either A. something universal stressing the plants (light leak) or B. The strain is hermaphroditic or has a strong tendency towards it. I have had strains like these that produced some male flowers at week 2 and never again. I've also had strains that continued to produce male flowers until the end of flowering. In my growing days upon developing my room I had light leaks and when fixing them, the male flowers ceased.

What to do from here. The plants are very sensitive to the light cycle. Make sure they get full 12 hours COMPLETE darkness. Your night-time ventilation situation is a little unfortunate. Ideally you would want the same ventilation during both cycles. Since you say the tent puffs up, this tells me you are blowing air into the tent. Generally it is better to have a negative pressure system vs. a positive, = sucking air out of the room creates a vacuum in the room. I would really suggest getting an inline fan to pull air from the tent; even a cheap one if its all you can do for now. Suffocating the plants in the dark cycle could cause hermies? Es possible. Again make sure there are absolutely no light leaks.

Pinch off the male flowers and continue to check them daily. Hopefully you can keep them under control. Because 4 of 5 have gone, I would not kill any of them, it'd be a waste. Use this harvest to optimize your grow conditions. Even a badly seeded well cared for crop with good genetics is worth something. If you have a problem plant that continues to grow a lot of male flowers I might ditch herm. Also place the plants with more tendency towards male flowers furthest down wind of your fan. Since you are moving them everyday you'll have a chance each day to get a good 360 degree look at all the nodes and keep the males pretty well under wraps.

Good Luck.


Can you make a good recommendation for a cheap fan that would be ideal for this dr60 tent to get the negative pressure as mentioned?
The dr60 is 2x2x5, and the port holes on it are 5 inches approx.

Also, won't having the inline fan in the exhaust port introduce light into the tent? How does one make this light tight?

Yes thank you for the knowledge and recommendations. Another key piece of information I left out is, the seeds used to grow this batch, is from a sample from a fellow grower. The reason seeds were in the sample was cause that grower's plant also hermied for reasons unknown. So wonder if the fact of the seeds being from a hermie contributed to this outcome. The tent is light tight, all the lights in the area were turned on and during the day with sunlight shining through the windows. One was zipped up inside to see if it was in fact light tight, and indeed it was confirmed. lots learned through this first experience. next time will be legitimate seeds :-P
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Total Head

Well-Known Member
if it's really only on a few branches just cut those branches off and leave the rest of the plant alone. just make sure to watch the rest of the plant through flower in case any more pop up. i had a hermi like this and it turned out fine. it's when the balls are randomly popping all over the plant that you may as well kill it. isolated or predictable balls are controllable if you can't spare the yeild.


Well-Known Member
i know u know it but u got yourself some hermies. i suggest since u got alot of them, just grow em make some killer hash and ganja treats with them. dats what i did with 3 huge hermies. dont use any of their seeds btw. kill off the genetics


Well-Known Member
Very good question dank, I'm guessing some serious bleaching and scrubbing of the area after is in order, but this grow area is out wide open in the room, so the pollen may be kicking around everywhere ready to impregnate the next grow? off to the back right corner is three more in day 17 of veg, are they in danger of being pollinated also?

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I've read pollen can travel great distances. It would stand to reason it could get in your fans or other nooks. I've been reading and still cant get a definitive answer on how long pollen is potent for?
A friend informed today that it is absolutely not worth it having hermies develop and leave pollen in the grow area. It will fuck up every grow in the future. This space is wide open so im sure pollen would get every where and linger. This is very sad, there probably isn't anything of use in them, just have to throw them away. live and learn

= (

I've read pollen can travel great distances. It would stand to reason it could get in your fans or other nooks. I've been reading and still cant get a definitive answer on how long pollen is potent for?


Well-Known Member
not a true male maybe a male herm or a female herm but with both pussy and a dick it dont matter which one it is just kill the beotch before it spreads


Well-Known Member
WAIT DO NOT KILL YET. i had the same thing happen to me. looked exactly the same. you can fix this and grow seedless buds. get Dutch Master Reverse and spray this on your plants after you pick all the ball off of everything. spray again 10 days later. i did this on three plants and they stopped producing male flowers, i grew them out and they were nice buds. also as far as your setup goes i think you should get a 4" inline fan and filter (if needed) for the tent and move the light in there rather than having to move thee plants twice a day. here is a fan filter combo that would be perfect for your space.


Well-Known Member
It's to late:-( chopped the two best looking ones cause they had many of these balls on em. Letting three live... FOR NOW. So you really think this dutchmaster stuff is worth a try? I was super bummed chopping it up, dunno what to do with these leaves leftover (anyone??). Here is some more detailed pics at what was seen, and why that lead to the decision chop it. These are all shots from one plant.
You did the right thing. They are all males. They are not hermies. Hermies come MUCH later in flower as I mentioned earlier. Nothing you can do will save them, nothing you can try is worth the weeks wait to see what would happen. Just drop new seeds and enjoy the plant(s) you have left.

Feminized seeds from any breeder will work wonders in your situation.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
What should I do with these plants im pulling? Just throw them away? Don't bother trying to make hash>?
YA WAIT!!!! I speak from experience. I breed my own feminized seeds,and i undersand a lot about Hermies. First of all DON't kill it. You can just remove the nuts. you have to do it for a little while. but eventually they will stop comming. And you will grow beautiful female buds. Without seeds if your sucessfull from keepin those pods from maturing. I've done i t many many times. Also, there are 2 kinds of hermies. A genetic hermie, and a Forced/Stressed Female that produces Male flowers.


Well-Known Member
YA WAIT!!!! I speak from experience. I breed my own feminized seeds,and i undersand a lot about Hermies. First of all DON't kill it. You can just remove the nuts. you have to do it for a little while. but eventually they will stop comming. And you will grow beautiful female buds. Without seeds if your sucessfull from keepin those pods from maturing. I've done i t many many times. Also, there are 2 kinds of hermies. A genetic hermie, and a Forced/Stressed Female that produces Male flowers.
thats a lot of time and effort wasted when one can buy dutch masters reverse...which will turn a hermie back to 100% rather spend the $20 on that then spend 2 days chopping off balls...which will more than likely knock up any other plants in the area...even if you get all the balls off there can still be pollen floating around.the reverse takes all the male genetics it does not produce pollen.

edit:and i saw this was already suggested...teaches me to not read the whole post first...ha


Well-Known Member
How much more do you want us to suck your dick and tell you how sorry we are? Trash what are males, restart. Crying wont help, and spending the hours you are posting more and more pictures confirming the same exact exact exact thing aint gonna help you much either. :) :)

I say it with a mean attitude, but picture me as your teacher sayin "quit whining, and get back to work and learn!!"

So go do it, plant more seeds NOW or go buy some clones! This thread was over after the 5th post. Now your just delaying shit. Still reading this? BAD MONKEY! Go plant those seeds NOW NOW NOW!! :)

(with love, kitty)


Well-Known Member
Great so reading last night, red hairs means it's somehow been pollinated, well well what do we see here today? RED HAIRS?! F_L o_0

What you see in pics is one plant beginning with larger picture shot, then zoom in node shots on the hairs. Hopefully, the red will show up. It's def there. These two are fucked now too huh? They must be chopped or will dutchmasters reverse pollination also?

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So once again, that is pretty much it huh?? only one is left with no signs of pollination yet, slow growing too, worst looking fucker of the lot. worrying about 2 young ones right next to these 25 days into veg. Must bleach and scrub everything then tonight!:wall:

-51 days :wall:
-whole lota nutes:wall:
-whole lota electricity:wall:
ill try and sound less like a bitch in my response.....but from what ive heard is that the hairs will pull back in after pollination..honestly dont know..ive never had a male get past preflowers to pollinate my fems....they pull back in becuase they are not if you see them pulling in...its pollinated...and no DM reverse wont fix only pulls out the male hormones makin a hermie turn back female.
and i wouldnt go and chop it...even if it is pollinated...its still a good learning experince...grow it out...harvest it...get the hang of drying and curing with this plant...then if you did get seeds from it..use um..they should produce a better plant then the original seeds would have