is this a hermaphrodite?


Well-Known Member
Keep your eye on the plant usually pollen sacks form in clusters not one big ball. If u find clusters of balls all together on the plant than it's def a hermaphrodite. Best of luck.
no clusters, does not look like any are forming, just this one ball. i took it away from my other 'girls' and will keep a watchful eye on it. thanks.


ARE YOU SURE ITS A MALE?? i have a nice bushy plant going on 3 weeks 12/12 right now and have seen a few of those balls pop up but just single balls. i pulled one off and broke it open to fine white hairs balled up. 2 of the 3 i pulled had hairs in them, the one that didn't was very small. i am watching it closely but it sure looks 100% female. if you didn't pull the plug yet i would wait till you see clusters if you do at all!


Junior Creatologist
Yeh, there's no cluster of balls there. I think that could just be a gland ready to pop out a set of pistils. Either way, itll happen again, so let it. Youll know within a couple of days wether or not itll pop pistils or have a twin ball grow right next to it. If its a male or herm, toss it. But i would almost confidently say that its a female. Weird lookin tho...ppretty sure it was a female. Shouldnt have pulled it dude.


Well-Known Member
yes hermie.,.,to the left is a male pollen sack.,.,to the rite are your false seed pods.,.with hairs to catch pollen from male.,.,or itself in this case and seeds you have
my first grow attempt yielded 3 males URGH. this one 6 females. taking NO chances, dumped it :)
it is a perfect pollen sack all on its own, others were begining to appear elsewhere on plant, i am sure of it now.