Is this a herm

I'm pretty upset I really wanted this genetic and there is no getting another of it how hard is it to breed out herming if it is a herm


Well-Known Member
its a nanner yea. My first run with my strain from seed it wasnt smokable. Enough to be too big a descrepency. Well I ran her 3 times on the 4th run working on 5th as clones. No seeds but I get nanners and sacs every run.

Just a thought. Might not cause seeds at all, might pollimate a whole room. Might be stress, might be genetics or both, its a rabit hole but can always look for improvements each run. Might find a sure cause.

I was feeding that first run a ph of 4 or lower for like a month straight. It didnt stop the nanners that I improved that but ya.
Yea those are the dreaded nanners, sorry bud. I’ve had individual plants from a pack do this and the others still be ok.
This didn't come from a pack this came from 3rd place cup winning bud that isn't genetically availabile. It's don shula and this pheno is literally white with frost that is just a tiny start the tops literally look dipped in sugar it's odd my main plant that started from the seed doesn't have any I see this is one of the 3 clones I rooted and flowered with it to increase yeild I did have a power outage a few days ago and the plants got light 4 hrs late so it could be that. I already pulled all those little bastards out before even getting answers because I was pretty sure.
its a nanner yea. My first run with my strain from seed it wasnt smokable. Enough to be too big a descrepency. Well I ran her 3 times on the 4th run working on 5th as clones. No seeds but I get nanners and sacs every run.

Just a thought. Might not cause seeds at all, might pollimate a whole room. Might be stress, might be genetics or both, its a rabit hole but can always look for improvements each run. Might find a sure cause.

I was feeding that first run a ph of 4 or lower for like a month straight. It didnt stop the nanners that I improved that but ya.
The bud this was found in had a single seed in in a quarter I assumed it was the product of a herm as it came from dispo but I was praying


Well-Known Member
The bud this was found in had a single seed in in a quarter I assumed it was the product of a herm as it came from dispo but I was praying
Yes. I have had similar experiences. The thing we have to realize is that this plant no matter the strain or type has the want and need to survive. It naturally herms in the wild, we got our hands on it and try to manipulate it to not make seeds, but at the end of the day, it's in the DNA. If you think about it, almost every plant does this, apples, jalapenos, peaches... It just makes sense. But like you I buy fire from dispensaries and find seeds here and there and in my experience each strain and seed has been different. I found a seed in White Fire Alien and grew it, it's decent smoke, not my cup of tea but the plant I got from the bag seed never hermed out on me and I ran clones 3 times in a row... Then I tried a seed from a bag of Sour Diesel. I had bought a QP from the dispensary and it had about ten seeds, I grew one of them and the harvested bud was the same as the bud I bought, and when I grew it I got about a qp, and again ten more seeds lol. That one just wants you to keep smoking it if you forgot to clone it
Then there was the old "Dogwalker" hahahaha I bought an ounce, found one seed. Grew that seed, and didn't notice the herms on it in time and that baby can sure pollinate lol, that thing pollinated my whole room! Me being me, I thought it had to be a light leak or the fact it was a bag seed and I didn't notice any herms before it was too late, so I did a second run like an idiot! Same thing! Whole room pollinated! Thousands of useless seeds that obviously will keep doing the same thing, so I decided that's not a good hermie. I think if a plant is a bad hermie and gives lots of seeds and someone breeds with it, it still gives lots of seeds. But if someone grows a fire strain and it just gets a little stress towards harvest and it puts 5-15 seeds that is just a good strain that wants to survive.
I also got some TK91, rainbow Dosi, GMO, and a few others that gave a lot of seeds, but I liked the bud so if I choose to grow those ones I know the expectations are likely to result the same. But as long as it's just your smoke and it's not a big deal you aren't selling it, or have patients to provide for, then have at it. Just go into it with your expectations low, then if you end up with fire and no seeds or just a couple, that it was worth it to you and not what the Internet trolls think about a Herm lol
Yes. I have had similar experiences. The thing we have to realize is that this plant no matter the strain or type has the want and need to survive. It naturally herms in the wild, we got our hands on it and try to manipulate it to not make seeds, but at the end of the day, it's in the DNA. If you think about it, almost every plant does this, apples, jalapenos, peaches... It just makes sense. But like you I buy fire from dispensaries and find seeds here and there and in my experience each strain and seed has been different. I found a seed in White Fire Alien and grew it, it's decent smoke, not my cup of tea but the plant I got from the bag seed never hermed out on me and I ran clones 3 times in a row... Then I tried a seed from a bag of Sour Diesel. I had bought a QP from the dispensary and it had about ten seeds, I grew one of them and the harvested bud was the same as the bud I bought, and when I grew it I got about a qp, and again ten more seeds lol. That one just wants you to keep smoking it if you forgot to clone it
Then there was the old "Dogwalker" hahahaha I bought an ounce, found one seed. Grew that seed, and didn't notice the herms on it in time and that baby can sure pollinate lol, that thing pollinated my whole room! Me being me, I thought it had to be a light leak or the fact it was a bag seed and I didn't notice any herms before it was too late, so I did a second run like an idiot! Same thing! Whole room pollinated! Thousands of useless seeds that obviously will keep doing the same thing, so I decided that's not a good hermie. I think if a plant is a bad hermie and gives lots of seeds and someone breeds with it, it still gives lots of seeds. But if someone grows a fire strain and it just gets a little stress towards harvest and it puts 5-15 seeds that is just a good strain that wants to survive.
I also got some TK91, rainbow Dosi, GMO, and a few others that gave a lot of seeds, but I liked the bud so if I choose to grow those ones I know the expectations are likely to result the same. But as long as it's just your smoke and it's not a big deal you aren't selling it, or have patients to provide for, then have at it. Just go into it with your expectations low, then if you end up with fire and no seeds or just a couple, that it was worth it to you and not what the Internet trolls think about a Herm lol
I'm not worried about the consumption quality I know this plant is going to be fire from Smell and looks alone but I planned on breeding with it and heard it's terribly hard to breed out without massive pheno hunts


Well-Known Member
Another reason is most strains these days are from feminized seeds or some have feminized seeds breed with them and that puts the Herm characteristics right into the strain. So the slightest stress and "Congratulations! It's a boy!"
"That's a man baby!" -Austin Powers lol
It's best to try to find the breeder of the bag seed you found and just buy a pack of seeds from them if they are still available and try not to end up with seeds, you'll probably find something better
Another reason is most strains these days are from feminized seeds or some have feminized seeds breed with them and that puts the Herm characteristics right into the strain. So the slightest stress and "Congratulations! It's a boy!"
"That's a man baby!" -Austin Powers lol
It's best to try to find the breeder of the bag seed you found and just buy a pack of seeds from them if they are still available and try not to end up with seeds, you'll probably find something better
Unreleased genetic


Well-Known Member
I'm not worried about the consumption quality I know this plant is going to be fire from Smell and looks alone but I planned on breeding with it and heard it's terribly hard to breed out without massive pheno hunts
I looked it up and it has Sour Diesel in it, so I doubt you'll get that trait out because that was how Sour Diesel was originally found. If you don't mind just take a chance and experiment, just have back ups going in case you have to abort the mission. I think that's the only way you will keep that variety and also see if it's good or bad. I kept my Sour Diesel seeds even though it herms at the end because it stacks lots of buds so I would just run one of those and try to beat the Herm sacks lol. It gave me a couple jars of diesel to smoke here and there and always have the seeds around hahaha


Well-Known Member
I'm not worried about the consumption quality I know this plant is going to be fire from Smell and looks alone but I planned on breeding with it and heard it's terribly hard to breed out without massive pheno hunts
If you really, really want to there's no harm in trying! If you can afford the money and time vs potential loss and really want the genetics, why not?
Only thing is, chances are, you'll get more hermaphrodite plants.
I might consider crossing it with something else, then going on a hunt for similar plants. Crossing chosen pheno or phenos back to current plant.
Then do a big hunt through the given seeds. I think that'd be the fastest way of trying to breed out some hermaphrodite traits.
There's also the S1 approach, which isn't a bad idea either, you might get lucky with the seeds.
Worth a shot!
Either case, you'll need to be very selective and grow all chosen plants to full term, preferably more than once before using as a donor. So you can be sure there's no hermaphrodite traits in the plants you select. I think feminized seed too.
It's multiple cuttings and enough space to house them.

Something I need to say about hermaphrodite or intersex Cannabis plants and female Cannabis plants is, although they share the same identifying markers (XX chromosome) by no means makes an intersex plant female, period.
A truly female plant lacks the ability to self reproduce, they need a pollen donor. (using sts or colloidal silver is different)
There ARE female plants that never herm, no matter what stress or environment. And they're the female plants you need to find!
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Update who would guess this one tiny sack has created every bit of 100 seeds throughout my room I never found another but I have seeds everywhere now learned my lesson with bag seed i knew it was a bad idea yet I still did it chasing that strain.


Well-Known Member
Like I said if it means enough to you what youre growing you can grow clones and dial in your enviorment and get zero seeds. Happened to me. I was told it happened to someone they gave a clone to that threw heaps in their new enviorment. Weed is funny these days not 100% stable.

Since that happened to me I took note of that for if that happens again with a strain I really like.
From what I can tell what I had was a true herm not a stress herm because it didn't make single nanners it made ak entire male flower


Well-Known Member
Mine throws sacs sometimes if its just a few thats still female. Hermies are a rabbit hole yes technically a herm but can still be dialed in to your space and be seedless and just press rosin until it stops seeding. Who doesnt like extracts lol. I dab full time.

If its bundles and bundles of balls and nanners thatd when its not worth it from what I understand. But lots of strains herm and seed.

Unga Bunga

Well-Known Member
Update who would guess this one tiny sack has created every bit of 100 seeds throughout my room I never found another but I have seeds everywhere now learned my lesson with bag seed i knew it was a bad idea yet I still did it chasing that strain.
100 seeds in how much weed ? 100 in a few pounds or a few ounces ?