is this a heat issue or nute burrn

This is my first grow socan you advise if this is neut burn or too much heat?

The picture below show all 4 issues i see.

This is an attic room and temp has reached 100f twice that i know of.

Temp now (f) 75 - 80 Day & 70 - 75 Night.
Humidity a steady 50 - 60%

Feed for last week = Canna A & B, Sensizime & superthrive.

Feed now = Canna A & B.

Still at 12 & 12 with light.

4 Weeks old!

Please advise



Well-Known Member
The curled up leaf edges are from heat. That's the plant basically trying to cool down when you see that.
The "bubbly" looking leaves are a nute issue. Your EC is another way of reading your PPM. If you know what that is, it could be an indication. Just offhand do you have a PH and PPM meter? If so post them, and people may be able to give you some more input with the right #'s ... as TheFaux said.. you have to get them, and post them so people will know what to help with.