Is this a good system ?

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Well-Known Member
You are almost undoubted an Earth sign....Taurus? I am undoubtedly the Air sign. Aquarius. I am not really an astrology buff any more.
But, I realized some things.

For some of us, we like to tinker and build. We turn a cheap thing into something complicated, confusing, and expensive.

1- I bet you have some room outside to grow
2- a lifetime of gardening in the sun

Some like to start with the most simple and then add carefully. Some of us, me, like to start with Rube Goldberg and then pare it down. But, If I had a big yard, I'd have corn and ganga. Now I have to buy both. :)

But, at some point after I got past my robot stage, computer controlled pH dosing, etc. Now, I have to get success or the wife shuts me down for wasting electricity. Means to me, go simple and don't screw up.

I got attracted to UC-DWC right off the bat, and spend a year and few $$ grand to fail.

It is an attractive hobby, but like Ben says, good luck with the machines. It is all general botany. My big ah ha, was when I realized my house plants are doing much better than my cannabis.....woops. I do too much.

Oh, if anyone wants to buy a pair of air pumps, a 15 set, of big airstones, a chiller, and a bag of small water is all going on EBay.
I thought you were king Of UDWC ? What happened ? You over complicated it ?


New Member
Sorry man UB has a hard on for me and is monitoring my profile following around cross trolling every thread I post in. I guess he aquired a new fan and doer decided to tag along.


Goggle auto-pot, they work off of gravity feeding tasty requires no electricity. Each pot has its own aqua valve so individual checking is not necessary


Well-Known Member
Sorry man UB has a hard on for me and is monitoring my profile following around cross trolling every thread I post in. I guess he aquired a new fan and doer decided to tag along.
See, mired in Malevolence. Obvious. You jumped in here to toll. You cut down the guy's system and then accused me.

Now, accusing me of fan following means you are a rather an unsophisticated, forum creature, as well.

The world is as how you define your mind. For that is how it seems to you. The rest of us don't take it personal as you seem to.

We are simple discussing, not axe grinding and grudge carrying.

You and I are still cool, though. You know that. I'm cool with everyone not on my ignore list. :)


Well-Known Member
I thought you were king Of UDWC ? What happened ? You over complicated it ?
Let's make it simple. I screwed it up. :) Not the bucket shape? Not the heat added, the water spilling, the bad plumbing, the inattention to detail? No.

Just me.


Well-Known Member
IAC, I am still in hydro. I am getting some sucess with top feeding in 50/50 coir and hydroton.

Gotta get and keep roots. All about the roots, obsessed about roots, etc. :)

Having all roots in the same water, 80 liters try to control that, has been a disaster. I need more ROOTS.


New Member
I don't know what you mean dude I posted relavent stuff on topic and ub came in and took a shit. He doesn't even read this section...

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Sorry man UB has a hard on for me and is monitoring my profile following around cross trolling every thread I post in.
I'm cross trolling?

How bout that... looks like even soil is full of newbie problems ole boy. Well... I'm not here to shit up the thread too much; enjoy your 250 pounds of fertilizer. :joint:

Folks really are getting fed up with your hostile attitude. Knock it off. Start your own thread and stay out of mine.

After ignoring your bullying and compulsive hostility for a while I got fed up and wanted to see what else you're up to. Yep, you are a loser.

Uncle Ben


Active Member
Holy shit what happened to this thread...

My own experience.. Run a RDWC not a UCDWC.. Roots and waterflow has been proved by myself :) Has not been an issue in any of my dwc grows.. Ive seen alot getting into problems with the UC ...

Need some advice send me a PM ...
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New Member
I'm cross trolling?

Folks really are getting fed up with your hostile attitude. Knock it off. Start your own thread and stay out of mine.

After ignoring your bullying and compulsive hostility for a while I got fed up and wanted to see what else you're up to. Yep, you are a loser.

Uncle Ben
I like how he does the most vicious stalking style trolling I have ever witnessed on the internetz and then when he's done he acts all white knight. Anyone that has read your posts UB has seen what you do to threads (like this one).


New Member
Holy shit what happened to this thread...

My own experience.. Run a RDWC not a UCDWC.. Roots and waterflow has been proved by myself :) Has not been an issue in any of my dwc grows.. Ive seen alot getting into problems with the UC ...

Need some advice send me a PM ...
The system pictured is not undercurrent.

Undercurrent is a type of RDWC.


Well-Known Member
Well, it is a type of recirculating water culture. But, the difference is how the circulation is done. But, I had more luck with a circulating, single pond, than 6 or 12 buckets.

The idea of having one bucket feed the next, bottom to bottom has clog potential, no matter what. Every interconnect is a plumbing problem. There is a lot of water in the circuit, making set up and testing, tedious, wet work. Drain, fix leak, refill. And it all needs to be insulated and reflective of IR, to control the heat,

UC, allows for good draining, and good clogging of drain. The more water, the more costly the temperature control. And the roots in the water can be a real mess in so many ways. Roots clog everything...that's the job, of it. The water pumps, really struggle. All that water has to be kept cool and O2 saturated or you will loose it all to root rot. Using air bubbles for lifting water to the surface for O2 saturation, works against keeping the water cool enough.

Only a Rube Goldberg type like me, with a bit of Hobby money, would begin with a hydro setup. But, I had fun and that is what counts.

In separate pots, in coir, like I have now, even more fun.


Well-Known Member
Im thinking of building my system like this. Suggestions ? [video=youtube;3yXzZzOJikI][/video]


Well-Known Member
Instead of like this . [video=youtube;xacIocsaYxU][/video]


Well-Known Member
How will you cool the water after pumping all that mad hot, piston compressed air? You will end up with 85F in that water in a few hours.

That is the dirty little secret. It all looks cool and I built one of those. Got the piston pump like that, run it off a manifold to split it.

I ran 2" x 6" PVC interconnects into 12 buckets. Big fat, 2" pipes won't clog with roots, do they? Oh sure they do.

All that water, I would never accidentally pump it all on the floor? Sure I did.

And then I lost it all to root rot. You cannot have 85F water. 70F max or 69F is even better.

OK, party, party on.

I bought a 1/4 hp chiller. WORKS great, until you add up the cost. That chiller made for the most expensive ganja I ever had. It cost more than the light to run it, because not only was I heat loading from the light, a bit, even with the insulation. I was paying for pumping heating into the water with air and paying again to cool it.

Have you grown anything up to now, or just want to start with the cool kit, like I did?

I will say it is the siren's song, like a lost Gold mine. The stuff grows like crazy in hydro only if you can keep the conditions perfect. It is really not the way to go for cannabis, I think.

"Nothing is more expensive than a beginner in hydroponics." Doer.


Well-Known Member
ahh fuck Doer your fucking killing me ! Yes I have grown, Im not a beginner,( novice maybe ) Im not doing this because it looks fun. I've grown in Single pot DWC and soil. A large outdoor grow every year too. So please spare me with the bullshit. That water pump can't add that much heat and specially if I water fall it back into the grow buckets. Yes I will be running a chiller and probably won't be running an air pump.. The rez and pump will be outside of the cab. Im open to suggestions or tips but if your gonna be a Debbie Doer take it somewhere else. The point of my first post in this thread was if this all ready built system was any good as compared to building my own. If you failed because of Root Rot that's a fucking poor excuse to fail and makes me doubt your skills or capabilities right off the bat. So I tend to believe that everyone growing DWC in this Sub Forum does not have your same troubles sir.


Well-Known Member
It is not bullshit. You asked remember?

I am talking about the air pump.

Spend yo cash, fool.


Well-Known Member
Oh, BTW, I am still using hydroponics....just not the bucket brigade you asked about.

Oh, well, you stopped listening as soon as you found I did not agree with idea, have some experience you do not, etc.

Have fun with the root rot balancing your power bill for that chiller. And you immediately said I failed on stupidity.
I freely admitted all this, you went punk with.

It OK, spend the $1000s to find you should have gone with hempy or something. It took me 2 years and $3k.

So, you are welcome to the, I told you so, later.

Plenty of that for me....just trying to pay forward. But, pearls and swine, I guess. You will need luck.


Well-Known Member
And where are all these people jumping in to congratulate you on how smart you are? You began slinging insults from the beginning.

I have an idea. You know that gold foil they use for spaceships? Yeah for insulation. You NEED that.

All the water conditioners and silly additives? You NEED that.

The $50 a gal, special food for cannabis secretly made in Denmark? NEEEEED it.

You said you were bored. So, it isn't about the ganga only spending the money. Nothing wrong with that.

I have a 100 pounds of insulated, spare, junk if you don't count the chiller.

Luck? Yes, that is the main thing.
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