Is this a good lighting for the price?


Active Member
Its a good price, just make sure that you want a MH.... MH is usually cheaper but the spectrums are diffrent. Search HPS vs MH just to make sure! GL:bigjoint:
For a brand new setup, that is not a terrible price, especially if you get free shipping. (Shipping on those units will usually run at least 20 USD) can buy used units on Ebay for sometimes as low as 40 USD + Shipping. (The last one I bought was actually 43 and some change, shipping included).
Most of those won't have reflectors, but aside from that there really isn't any difference between "grow light" MH and the MH lights they use to light barns/warehouses. Even if there were, it would be just a matter of bulb change, and its really the ballasts that are the most expensive part.
(If you like electricity, you can actually buy all the parts individually and assemble the unit...might save some money, might not.) for MH. It is a common belief that MH is good for Veg, and HPS is much better for flowering (though some use HPS all through their grow). The handy thing about MH lights, is that you can get MH to HPS conversion bulbs, which allow you to use an HPS bulb in your MH fixture. That way you don't have to buy an entirely new light system for just switch bulbs.
I'm not certain if there are HPS to MH conversion bulbs I've always figured it best to go with the MH and convert from there.
(There are also tutorials online for re-wiring your MH to use any HPS by removing the ignitor...not suggesting you do this, just pointing it out.)


Active Member
...I'm not certain if there are HPS to MH conversion bulbs though....
I actually wasnt sure if they made MH to HPS and that answered my question lol...
I just googled HPS to MH conversion bulbs and got this($89.95 free shipping):
Does 36k lumen
Same site MH to HPS conversion.... ($99.99 free shipping)
this one puts out 45k lumen, i just bought a HPS system with a hortilux that outs out 55k if my memory is correct (this is a pot forum so it prolly isnt lol), which is pretty good for running on a diff ballast.
One could speculate if its even worth getting a conversion bulb cause of the loss of light intensity, but im not that smart, so ill leave it to someone else bongsmilie
Disclaimer: those were litterally the fist sites that popped up, so il put money on the fact those arent the best prices lol
That is a good point Aubud. One may notice the intensity loss in a conversion bulb. (That may depend on the exact bulb too, for all I know).
Personally, I think the better way to go would simply be to keep looking on Ebay and similar sites for an HPS lamp while using your MH for Veg. You'll have a few weeks to spare, and if you can get them both for a nice price (like the MH I recently purchased) you can possibly still come out cheaper than buying just one of them as a brand new light.
::Shrug:: It really all depends on how you feel about it personally (Like I said, you /can/ rewire MH to use HPS if you feel froggy). I am a cheap bastard, so I try to find as many ways to cut corners as possible. On the other hand, the folks here who go all out and spend the money to do everything /right/ instead of /cheap/ tend to have very impressive results, less chance of things failing, etc.


well the store is right next to my house and so there would be no shipping but you can get a different buld for like another 60$