Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha ha .... A little more research needed I thinkHigh this is my first plant its starting to sprout im using 60 watt lightbulb so tin foil and a fan. you probaly cant see the fan but its in back of the camera.![]()

Ha ha ha ha .... A little more research needed I thinkHigh this is my first plant its starting to sprout im using 60 watt lightbulb so tin foil and a fan. you probaly cant see the fan but its in back of the camera.![]()
dunno about headache but back ache is a deffinate possibilityhead ache in growing..........tyke
are we looking at the same thing? lol!looks great buddy. keep up the good work.
dunno about headache but back ache is a deffinate possibility
the cup jhust surround in paper or tape just as long as light doesent get to the roots
seriously take the lap apart get a larger beer can cut each end of with tin opener then cut from one end to the other so u got a tube of can then FASTEN that to the ceiling or w/eva it is and mount ur bulb in that OR cut the lamp wooden base in half so you would have like a small spear but instead of a spike u got a bulb THEN use the wooden bit to fasten up the bulb (make sure u dont cut thru the wire
so eccectively will look like this
HAHAHA true tiz mental all this haha i was thinking the xact same thing with me here wen ive just thrownbeans out into the garden wen i dont need em lol u watch next yr garden ful of ganja!your taking the piss man . you would be better off just throwing your beans in a field
haha fukin crazy shitOBVIOUSLY! I have to spread around some rep before I can give it to you again. Strong work, my friend!