Is this a good bloom nutrient ?


Well-Known Member
What are you growing in? If you’re organic, start a worm bin. Topdress with fresh ewc at 2 and 4 weeks of flowering. Amazing results.

You can also try Gaia power bloom if no worm bin. They sell it at home hardware.


Well-Known Member
Bro do not use anything that you do not know what is in it. Remember that shit is going into the ground, then water table & into your body. I'm no fruit cake organic nut but I definitely care about what gos into the earth & my body. Plus if there is shit in there that you dont know about all I can see is counter reactions possibly happening that have adverse effects!

Tell us more about your setup. I.e. tell us everything

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i wouldn't use this shit...basically because i don't like the way they package it, and their website doesn't tell you a fucking thing.....i want to know exactly what i'm putting in my plants...if you won't tell me, then fuck your nutes....i have hundreds of alternatives to choose from, and they all list their ingredients....