Is this a good amount of Salvia to smoke for a first time user? *PICS*.


Well-Known Member

I got some Salvia from and I want to know if this is a good amount to smoke for a first time and to trip.




Well-Known Member
That doesn't look like enough. Is it X10 or anything like that? If it's X10 or above it's enough but like Peacemane said you need a water pipe and a hot, hot, flame for best results. If you just have the normal salvia check other web sites. They will tell you how to soak the leaves and suck on em. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
NOOO! DONT DO IT UR GONNA DIE!!! lol... nah i say u smoke it... be careful tho u might die..


Active Member
yeah that looks like a good amount. but a word of advice, dont order from grasscity. its overpriced as shit. order from ive ordered salvia from them 3 or 4 times and its always great quality. and its a lot cheaper then grasscity. but i dunno, ive never had grasscity's salvia so it could be better.


Well-Known Member
question: why would you buy 5x?

that aside, you can always smoke some, and smoke more later if you want to trip harder.