is this a female? i think it might be a hermie


Well-Known Member
Pics one and three look like males... cant tell from pic two... if you say there are hairs coming out of the top, then it very well may be a hermie


Active Member
damn that sucks atleast i got one girl how long does it look till they will burst or whats the normal time they take to burst?


Well-Known Member
damn that sucks atleast i got one girl how long does it look till they will burst or whats the normal time they take to burst?
The time varies among strains... if you have other plants that are female, you want to get that male out of the crop asap unless you want it pollenating the others...


Well-Known Member
Me too, Lmao. I love this place. It's the only place where you can easily find someone who knows more than you.


Well-Known Member
yes kill the basterd rip its fckin balls of and smash it to bits as your doing this try not to cry and be brave,
and when you can clone the fuck outa that sexy fem you got.


Well-Known Member
Thats what I did, I cut me boys and doubled there numbers in clones of my crazy female who flowers even in the cold, ha ha ha. (white widow, 2)