Is this A Deficiency? PICS!!!!


Well-Known Member
I started her on epsom salt in with my nutes on the last watering, I only feed every 4 days, what else can I do to help, Only a couple leaves mostly mature ones look this way but some of the others are starting to show the same effects.

Do you think it is a Magnesium Deficiency? Maybe calcium too?

The plant is in week 6 of flowering, what can I do?
Soil: MG organic, good earth topsoil, and FF ocean Forrest, mixture.

Feeding sched: I am using Tigerbloom, then molasses, Then plain Ph'd water then tigerbloom, then ph'd water, etc. etc. Soil ph says 6.8 according to my Soil Meter I dont know how accurate that is. It has been in the 6.4 to 6.8 range the entire grow and they have been very healthy.



Well-Known Member
I'm going to agree...those pics don't show the whole that happening all over and quick ?? Looks fairly mild case....cut back nutes for a couple of feedings and see if progresses... Luck.


Well-Known Member
Do you see the rest of the plant behind the damaged leave?? very healthy, only older growth is affected, wouldnt newer growth show nute burn first??


Well-Known Member
I am in about the same timeframe as you and a few of my older fan leaves look kind of the same. I think they are just about to the point of giving back to the plant all they could and now they are dying off. The rest of your plant (what I can see) looks nice. Little to none tip burn etc... I would just keep on keeping on brother! :hump:


Well-Known Member
i have the exact same lookin stuff and i am 2 weeks in flowering I would like to know also...maybe it is nute burn


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like nute-burn.... Looks like they are just dying and giving back to the plant. Some would suggest cutting them off and others would suggest leaving them to fall off. I would wait a few days and cut them (Gets a little more out of them and then prevents a big open infection site). If it starts happening to lots of the leaves... then you may have a bigger problem but in the meantime it doesn't seem to be an issue judging by the look of the other leaves.


New Member
Do you see the rest of the plant behind the damaged leave?? very healthy, only older growth is affected, wouldnt newer growth show nute burn first??
yeah i had the same type of problem on my last grow, could be ph fluctuations or problems causing lockouts, but as everyone else has said could just be the leaves dying and giving back. maybe just keep on going like you and keep an eye on it.

edit: then again just looking at the pics again, are some of the tips of the newer leaves going brown right? or maybe i'm seeing it wrong but if that is the case i would say nute burn or a mixture of nute ph probs


Well-Known Member
I now believe it is a calcium deficency, possibly due to ph problems, I am flushing them tomorrow , either way. My soil tester must suck. It says 6.6-6.8 for all three of my girls,so I'm flushing tomorrow, and will go from there. No new developements today.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
is agree nute lockout, MG soil has nutes in it to begin with and i hear it is easy to lock out the MG soil if you go heavy on nutes. I have MG soil and havent fed yet because plant looks very healthy and am afraid of causing a lock if a start to feed to early. hope this helps id say flush and test ph for the next couple days and see how it progresses after a week with no nutes.