Is this a bug or fungus?


My girls are in soil and spending time in the sun. I found this is only on one plant and on one side so I think its a bug. Any Ideas?
2012-09-10 17.18.37.jpg


I thought it might be some kind of burn too, but then i noticed on the leaves where it curls in there is like a fuzz/web that doesnt look like spider mites webs,it looks more like a fuzz. The web/fuzz has some big black specs in that i guess could be giant mites or really tiny bugs, but they aren't moving. It also only seems to be on one plant, on one side of the plant. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
its a bug dude i cant belive the RIU help nowadays.. no one has a clue they just guess to get there posts up LOL its sad. your spots on your leaves buddy are from an insect called the leafminer.they lay eggs in your leaves and the offspring eat there way out.
similar to the white flys but not the same. there a many types of sprays u cant get to fight them off, alot of them organic , Goodluck bro


hey thanks man, That makes a lot of sense, the damages areas looked like they had been eaten but i just couldn't find the guy doing it. I've been treating them with a neem oil spray and I think I'm gaining ground on them. Thanks again.