Is there such a thing as over vegging?


Well-Known Member
I just started keeping track of my first plant ever with HERB.IQ and found out I had my plant in vegetation for 60 days. I've also been ooking around the forum and seen people getting massive buds at 71 days so where did I go wrong?

What's the usual time for veg state, flower state?

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
You can keep plants in a veg stage as long as you wish. The more veg time the bigger the final product will be.As for flowering it really depends on that particular plant.


Well-Known Member
I'm using 'bag seed' I guess so the flowering time would be unknown. Is there a way to tell when it's ready so I can add the info to my computer when it's done.


Well-Known Member
You have to flower a plant to get buds, and im pretty skeptical a plant only grown 71 days total would have massive buds,(unless you get an autoflowering strain, which you clearly havent or yours would be doing the same thiing as theirs pretty much as long as youve got good lighting setups and good soil and nutes like those people do)well, at least not what i would call massive. takes 8-12 weeks for flowering alone usually. Switch the lighting to 12/12 and let it start flowering if you want to get bud as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
I switched 4 days ago, i'm hoping for a female since I only have the one plant.

Once actual flowering starts are there any signs to look for to tell when it's done?


Well-Known Member
Yes, their is. i didnt write this but its from one of our most experienced growers and helps show it pretty good.from fdd-

we will start with ripeness. most people say to check your trichromes with 30X magnification. i have other ways. when buds are done they look "done". the appearance of the bud changes. the leaves start to hook upwards and become hard and crispy. the calyxes will swell and the hairs will turn brown. you can see a golden tinge to the bud leaves. this is the amber crystals. they start to turn amber on the leaves first.

not ready..........


notice the difference? it's pretty easy to see once it occurs. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i'm doing both actually, al pictures are in my profile and I have a thread here logging everything up untill a few days ago (I'm updating tomorrow)