Is there no STICKY for Nutes? (hydroponic)


So I've been reading through the forum like crazy and I'm taking notes as I go. For the life of me I cant seem to find a good how to on nutes.

This is what I've found starting from seed
1-10day 100-250ppm
10day-month 500-600ppm
Month-Bud 800-1000ppm
Bud-Harvest 1000-1300

I've seen up to 1600ppm during budding and have also seen people flush the system with water when getting close to harvest.

I see all these nutes being thrown around out there and its a bit overwelming. For my first run I want simple. If someone could to give me the name of a good product to start with that would be awesome. Even better would be a break down of which nutes to use during which phase or does nothing change until Flowering? Reminder this is for a hydroponic system.

Another thing I would like more clarification on is adding more water and nutes to my res. I might be getting a little too precise but is this a way I can calculate this?
Lets say I have a 5L pot that I want to have 1000PPM when full. Currently its 3L at 600PPM. This is what I came up with:
(3L*600PPM)+(2L*N)=(5L*1000PPM) N=My PPM

So I would need 2L of 1600ppm Correct or am I wrong?


Well-Known Member
If you have a reservoir for your hydro system here's how to read it.

Set your initial ppm value at a level you think is appropriate.

If after 24 hours your ppm has INCREASED your nutes are too strong.

If after 24 hours your ppm has DECREASED by around 100-200ppm then you can increase your nutrient strength.

You are looking for the "sweet spot" whereby after setting your ppm in your reservoir after24 hours the ppm are pretty much the same as when they started then this is the sweet spot.

The sweet spot will change though as your plants grow. Bigger plants = more demand for nutrients.

Just remember that every 7-14 days purge your reservoir and replace with clean fresh nute mix.



Is there a good nute to use? It seems like everyone has 4 or 5 that they use. I would rather make thing as simple as possible.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Is there a good nute to use? It seems like everyone has 4 or 5 that they use. I would rather make thing as simple as possible.
Growing is a little different for everyone so there is no tried and true method.
It's best to start with 1/4 strength nutes and wait a few days and learn to 'read' your plants.
I use soil so I can't comment much about hydro set ups but I
can tell you that less is more when it comes to nutes.
Too much and it can kill your whole crop.
Why purge the reservoir every week? I have heard of people who do it once a month, and if you're constantly modifying the water on a daily basis, isn't it a waste of perfectly good nutes to throw it out and restart so often?


Well-Known Member
Why purge the reservoir every week? I have heard of people who do it once a month, and if you're constantly modifying the water on a daily basis, isn't it a waste of perfectly good nutes to throw it out and restart so often?
Plants use nutrients from the res at different rates.

Purging every week keeps a good level of those nutrients.

If we were to test the NPK Ca Mg S Mn blah blah at the end of that week they would be at different levels to that when it was replenished.



Well-Known Member
Why purge the reservoir every week? I have heard of people who do it once a month, and if you're constantly modifying the water on a daily basis, isn't it a waste of perfectly good nutes to throw it out and restart so often?
There is no way to tell how much of NPK the plants have used from your nutrient solution. Once your more proficient you will see that by the end of the week you only end up throwing away minimal amounts of water if you fill your res correctly. For example I only throw away 10 gals of water max every res change.


Well-Known Member
the reason why people use several different nutes is because every plant has its demands and it's hard to match a specific nute line with your specific plant, so it makes things easier to adjust different elements in the nute mix. I personally do it even more complex by feeding with pure chemicals like potassium magnesium sulfate etc... this way i control every element that i want without having to affect the other. but this is not for someone who wants it simple. you will need to get a good fert with both a vegging formula and a flowering formula. you may need to mix them in some stages of the grow and you will also need more additives for ph control or some possible deficiencies, like Mg deficiency, becuz mj needs more MG than most plants, which you can fix with some magnesium sulfate. I also use H2O2 to keep my res clear. if you want to do it right, you definitely need Ph and EC testing. hydro is simple, but you need to know what you are doing and not just buy some product, give it to your plant and wait, you need to know how to give your plants what they need.