Is there anything wrong with my plant? [PICTURES]

Green Life

Heres my plant:

You see its only like an inch in size.. Why is this? The plants I've seen at day 10 then leafs are HUDGE.. Mines on day 6.
Soil: Basic sterilized soil.
Fertilizer treatments: None.
Type of grow: A mini-plant (goin to forcebud it near day 30 if its the size I want it to be) bushy and small.
Water timing: Everyday, usually near the 16th hour of 18/6.
Humidity: I do not know.
Tempature: 71f (no light) 81f-85f (light)
Nutes: None.
Type of grow: Sorta a PC grow box.
Strain: I do not know, random seeds.

Why does it have no nutes, fertilize and store bought soil? Because I'm growing this one naturally to get to know the marijuana plant, I really don't even care if it turns up a male.. I just want to learn about it before I become serious with my growing.


Well-Known Member
Looks ok for now suppose.

Soil looks like mud not soil, possibly too much water when watering, small plants need less water, water the whole pot when roots establish through the pot. Novice growers always overwater.

Stem and leaves look good, no purpling or yellowing. Probably wont need ferts yet till bigger.

What soil is it? All-purpose soil, seedling soil? potting mix etc etc

Green Life

Looks ok for now suppose.

Soil looks like mud not soil, possibly too much water when watering, small plants need less water, water the whole pot when roots establish through the pot. Novice growers always overwater.

Stem and leaves look good, no purpling or yellowing. Probably wont need ferts yet till bigger.

What soil is it? All-purpose soil, seedling soil? potting mix etc etc
If you'd simply read the information under the pictures you'd see that it says "Basic sterilized soil" and I'm growing naturally, no nutes or fertilizers.


Active Member
Random bag seed and sterile soil, will be a bit behind as to other grows that are jacked up on nutes and ferts (although at this stage most ppl dont add nutes). Deffinately to much watering though. An over watered plant, will keep the roots from searching and stretching for water, so the overall plant health will suffer. How close are your lights? It does appear to have a bit of a stretch going on even for a new popped seedling.

Green Life

I have my lights about 5inches away from the plant, I'm trying to keep it small but bushy.. Also, will it be ok after this If I water it normally and I guess 'correctly'?


Well-Known Member
Basic sterilised soil, what the hell dose that mean, could be any type for all we know, if it is very low on nutes you gona need fertilizers end off! If you wana grow naturally you need organic soil with plenty of organic material mixed in so the microherd can break it down thus providing nutrients for the plant. I dont see no stretching imo. Wish i could grow with no nutes or fertilizers but i never been able to do with out inside in pots but you may have some magic way to do this i have yet to uncover.

Who you been taking advice off? No ferts, sterilised soil? Oh well it is a learning curve. Peace


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by ''basic sterilized soil''? Did you bake it? What kind of light are you using cause it looks stretched out? That could be your problem. Its growing up instead of out.

Just a word to the wise... People arent too intersested in helping when you use phrases like ''If you'd simply read the information''. Comes off rude and people dont get paid too help. They do it cause they are being nice.


Well-Known Member
Sterilized soil is good for seedlings and cuttings but is only meant to be used until the plant has a healthy root system capable of fighting off diseases. You cant grow to completion without nutes. Once the seedling uses up its stored nutes from the seed it will shrivel up and die.

Green Life

What do you mean by ''basic sterilized soil''? Did you bake it? What kind of light are you using cause it looks stretched out? That could be your problem. Its growing up instead of out.

Just a word to the wise... People arent too intersested in helping when you use phrases like ''If you'd simply read the information''. Comes off rude and people dont get paid too help. They do it cause they are being nice.
I didn't mean it in a rude way I was just stating the information is there!:D Yes I baked the soil.. I got this soil from outside in the ground. ALSO I'm using a 24watt FLURO light + 40watt LEDs.. It seems to be working.. I just want to learn, nothing more.. nothing less.


Active Member
Just learning is all good and fun (as you said you dont even care if its male). Grow it your way. no nutes full on nutes. What ever lights you want to use that may tickle your fancy. There are a ton of different things you can throw at it, or do it as simple and organic as you wish. But if you are looking to get it to grow, then proper care (watering, feeding, lighting, and ventilation) is a must. This site is full of helpful folks, and a plethora of information already posted.


Well-Known Member
Ah soil from your garden, no wonder it looks like mud! should have added some amendments to make it lighter and airy. There is a difference between soil and topsoil, yours looks like topsoil so not great. I see little stretching and not really a problem a little bit of stretch. Yep you gona need nutes or learn the hard way, either way its all good experience. See how long you can go before needing nutes dude, will be good to see. Peace


Well-Known Member
Sterilised soil is not good for organic nutrients, no soil organisms to break them down, need to kick start these again if your wanting to go organic, read up about the microherd, it will give you a lot of knowledge on soil and nutrients, without these guys nothing organic will ever work. Peace


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by ''basic sterilized soil''? Did you bake it? What kind of light are you using cause it looks stretched out? That could be your problem. Its growing up instead of out.

Just a word to the wise... People arent too intersested in helping when you use phrases like ''If you'd simply read the information''. Comes off rude and people dont get paid too help. They do it cause they are being nice.

Do i not get paid for this thread! Damn bro people normally send me a bud from their grow in payment, even some fem seeds will do!lol! Peace


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean it in a rude way I was just stating the information is there!:D Yes I baked the soil.. I got this soil from outside in the ground. ALSO I'm using a 24watt FLURO light + 40watt LEDs.. It seems to be working.. I just want to learn, nothing more.. nothing less.
No worries:) Are you using soil from outside to keep it cheap until you figure out if you wanna pursue this? Guess im asking why you choose sterile soil? This is a pic of mine at 6 days with a 24w cfl at 2'' away but mine is in FFOF.



Well-Known Member
Chill dude, growing should be relaxing either way, you just seeing the difference between a good soil and garden soil. FFOF is generally much better than garden soil. Your seedling looks ok to me at the moment, just dont overwater it. Maybe on the repot you can use a different soil but it looks alive and green. Peace


Well-Known Member
Alot of people used sterile soil to be safe but transplant into a rich organic soil shortly after. If you make your own organic soil there is a slight risk of disease or some other unwanted complication cause a compost pile has alot of nasty shit(pun intended lol) in it. Commercial organic soils are safer because there are scientists controlling what is actually in it. Either way good luck to ya:)

Green Life

Welp now you've scared me Mechanical, cause now I have to get nutes.. And I'm really not interested in buying anything.. so is there a way I can make nutes? From house hold supplys or nature itself?

cary schellie

Active Member
What do you mean by ''basic sterilized soil''? Did you bake it? What kind of light are you using cause it looks stretched out? That could be your problem. Its growing up instead of out.

Just a word to the wise... People arent too intersested in helping when you use phrases like ''If you'd simply read the information''. Comes off rude and people dont get paid too help. They do it cause they are being nice.
actually the people at the grow shop say happy frog and fox farm and a few others are baked (sterilized) kills the larva, bugs and shit


Well-Known Member
If it was baked you couldnt go a month without adding anything like people do. FFOF is hot to seedlings. This couldnt be if you killed what makes it hot. I might be wrong but that doesnt seem right.