Is there anybody out there?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I'm not really a newbie, but I'm starting to feel like one. I've had many successful grows in Florida and Georgia, both indoor and out, but now I'm in L.A. and shit's not happening for me. I tried one batch of seeds a month ago that I tossed, and the same thing that happened to them is happing now. They pop just fine and grow there first little leaves, and then they stop growing. I've got four strains that I bred myself (Grape/skunk x mikado, Maple leaf x Mikado, N.Y.C. Diesel x Mikado, and Stinky fruit/ Cotton candy x Mikado). They are all in Dixie cups with holes in the bottoms under a 200watt CFL in my closet (the light is ~16" above them). It is very well ventilated and the temperature ranges from 78* to 82*. The soil is Fox Farm Ocean Forrest and I've only used purified water, no nutes. Any advice would be helpful. What could I be doing wrong? Thanks guys.
How far should the light be? The light is on 24/7 and they get watered every other day or so. Just until a few drops come out the bottom.
if you only got 1 cfl's you need more and idealy u need to be there daily to keep each light arround 1" awat from your plants
It's a 200watt full spectrum CFL, a big boy. Not a bunch of the rinky dink kinds that screw into regular outlets. It doesn't get too hot, but there is some heat. Wouldn't 1" or even 3" burn them?
ahh im not sure then if its not a norm cfl but 16 inch still sounds too far away
It's a 200watt full spectrum CFL, a big boy. Not a bunch of the rinky dink kinds that screw into regular outlets. It doesn't get too hot, but there is some heat. Wouldn't 1" or even 3" burn them?

Well if it burns you it can burn the plant otherwise no.