Is there any thing I can do to save them?

Lil Ducka

Active Member
Last night my heat turned on for the first time since I started growing. My plants were right in front of the vent and were getting just blasted by hot air. I was not home at the time, but when I got home I checked them and I was horrified. My plants are all wilted and the stalks are bent on most of them. The plants are not completely dry, which makes me thing they may be able to bounce back(I hope!). They were almost 2 weeks into flower and were not showing sex yet. Obviously as soon as I found them I got them out of that area and gave them some water. I didn't water too much, because the soil was still slightly moist from when I watered 2 days ago. I don't know what to do so if anyone has any suggestions as to how i might be able to save them let me know. If there are any more details that you would like to know, just let me know.

Please help soon. I have a feeling that time is critical.


Well-Known Member
You've done all you can do at this point. If they perk back up then you acted in time. If they don't, please accept my sincerest condolences.

Lil Ducka

Active Member
Thanks for the condolences. Should I put them back under light, or give them a break. I don't care if they turn hermie, at this point I just want them to live.


Well-Known Member
yea it all comes down to where you just have to wait and watch, see if they come back. Hopefully you made it in time you've really done all you can. Heat can really mess up your plants.


Well-Known Member
doesnt look good.....those leaves look fuct.....howev.... i seen one of my water clones wilt compleatly .... i thought i died....put the stem back in the water.... and shit popped back was a miracle.......its still alive and resilient....


Well-Known Member
Honestly.. it looks to be too far gone to me. What I would do is trim back some of the leaves, reduce the effort the plant has to make to move fluids back up to the leaves. You could do the clone thing, see if that works.

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
the'll come back just like a"weed" but those leave are running at minimal performance. ur plant will feel it in the long haul.

Lil Ducka

Active Member
should I snip the top off where it bent? I doubt the plant will be able to get much if any water past the bend.


Well-Known Member
Honestly.. it looks to be too far gone to me. What I would do is trim back some of the leaves, reduce the effort the plant has to make to move fluids back up to the leaves. You could do the clone thing, see if that works.
Yea bring that sunagun back a bit, the less it has to deal with the more it can work on living.


Well-Known Member
Just did some pruning on the most dead looking leaves. Should I keep it under light?
Deffinitly! lol plants need light. I forgot what light your using if you already told us (im real high :eyesmoke:) but what light are you using to save it?

Lil Ducka

Active Member
ohh and when I cut off the bent tops only one of them has excreted that clear liquid where I cut. I assume that that means that one has the best chance of survival.

Lil Ducka

Active Member
oh and another thing. should I leave them on 12 12 or switch back to 18hours of light?(I was on 12 12 for almost 2 weeks before this disaster)


Well-Known Member
My vote is to leave them at 12/12 and quit f-ing with them. There will be plenty of time to chop leaves off later. Let the plant do it's thing.


Well-Known Member
ohh and when I cut off the bent tops only one of them has excreted that clear liquid where I cut. I assume that that means that one has the best chance of survival.
sounds like its still kickin
leave it alone for a while and see how it turns out, always make sure your temp and humi are where they are suppose to be and you should be able to bring em back. keep it posted:joint:


Active Member
if your going to trim that thing, dont trim too much. Every time you cut off a node, its like cutting off one of our own arms. The plant is going to have to work to repair the wound, and right now it cant be taking too much of a shock or its done for. I would trim off a few nodes, make sure your using purified water with a Ph of about 6.0.. if its at all possible give it natural sunlight.. dont care what kinda bulb anybody has, these things are made to grow in natural sunlight. Keep your temp between 75-85.. around 80 would probably be good but never fluctuate more than that. be careful about watering.. this plant dosent look like its got a water deficiency.. its just heat stress.. keep it well watered.. but if it comes down to whether your asking yourself if it should be watered right now or if you should wait?? always wait a while first.. you will be fine. Other than all that, make sure you have proper ventilation.. always give your plant some "fresh air" and in fact, the best thing i think you could do would be to crack off some CO2 in in that thing.. that will bring it back.

Lil Ducka

Active Member
Alright, thanks for all the help you guys. I'll leave them alone and just give them water as needed. I thought they were done for sure, you guys have given me hope. Thanks again.