Is there any saving them?


I am no expert on water by any means. But I have seen Numerous posts of people with cal/mag def. from using distilled water. I also know how nutrients are broken down into ions. Ions are positive and negative charged atoms. Adding something that may mess/change that is not something I do. But, you go ahead and use it. i only recommended he Not use it to prevent further problems.
Did you mean plants? Or people?

important , because I will need to know about cal mg def. if I don't switch to something else.

thanks for the replies by the way, I'm still green behind the ears.


Well-Known Member
Karma wrote: I'm still green behind the ears
And so apparently is Chuck Estevez.

Pure distilled water is not ionic but rather is covalent...meaning that a water molecule is positively charged at one end and negatively charged at the other. This is what makes water such a good solvent. It sort of pulls other molecules NaCl (salt) into Na+ and Cl-.

The medical reference clearly stated that distilled water only during a long fast...may have been implicated in a death...due to electrolyte imbalance.

Chuck, your info is suspect. You should try and get better links to defend your position.

RO water is often lowered to a near zero PPM and so very nearly like distilled...yet many many growers use it. Nutrients should be balanced to the water you use. So...well, I guess I've said my piece...

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
And so apparently is Chuck Estevez.

Pure distilled water is not ionic but rather is covalent...meaning that a water molecule is positively charged at one end and negatively charged at the other. This is what makes water such a good solvent. It sort of pulls other molecules NaCl (salt) into Na+ and Cl-.

The medical reference clearly stated that distilled water only during a long fast...may have been implicated in a death...due to electrolyte imbalance.

Chuck, your info is suspect. You should try and get better links to defend your position.

RO water is often lowered to a near zero PPM and so very nearly like distilled...yet many many growers use it. Nutrients should be balanced to the water you use. So...well, I guess I've said my piece...
How about , fuck you and fuck woody, Just because distilled works well in your douches, doesn't mean it works well with plants. If you want to debate distilled water, go start a thread on it.
I offered some help to a newb to help save his plants, you jerk off's want to fight over fucking water. How about you water your plants with distilled, then come back and cry about how your plants are turning yellow and brown. I don't have that problem.


Well-Known Member
How about , fuck you and fuck woody, Just because distilled works well in your douches, doesn't mean it works well with plants. If you want to debate distilled water, go start a thread on it.
I offered some help to a newb to help save his plants, you jerk off's want to fight over fucking water. How about you water your plants with distilled, then come back and cry about how your plants are turning yellow and brown. I don't have that problem.
I grow organic chuck.........I water every day w distilled


New Member
I've had many grows and 2 commercial level grows. I've seen more issues than you can think of!

I would never, ever recommend anybody watering with distilled water. Has no minerals and is too "clean" for Cannabis plants or any other plant.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
wonder if the OP has any clue what to do with his plants now? A noob in the noob section is hit with a bunch of advanced stuff in a thread where he was just asking to help save his plants. Nice work trolls.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
oh,look, one of your posts,mr,I am so water smart

  • o...not alone. I dropped one in my res. Then one stopped working, probably because was not storing it in de-ionized water (whatever the fuck that is).

    I understand the newer ones have titanium probes and so are not so fragile.


chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
my actual FULL quote was,

  • I can't remember off the top of my head, But I believe distilled has a neg.ion works against what your trying to do.​



New Member
Off-topic both of you need to fuck off from the thread and take it via PM or start a new thread. You're both overloading this new user (and Cannabis grower) with information he doesn't need to know yet and probably doesn't understand.

Not trying to sound like a complete dick, but guys, let's try to keep it on-topic and stop discussing distilled water vs tap water, please.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Off-topic both of you need to fuck off from the thread and take it via PM or start a new thread. You're both overloading this new user (and Cannabis grower) with information he doesn't need to know yet and probably doesn't understand.

Not trying to sound like a complete dick, but guys, let's try to keep it on-topic and stop discussing distilled water vs tap water, please.
Yeah, I already addressed this earlier.look at the top of the page


Your plants look horrible for being 5 weeks old but i'm sure they can be saved...
Distilled/r.o. water is the bomb because of the low alkalinity, however, you can't use it without adding 3-5 ml./gallon of calmag+ or you will have a cal/mag deficiency 100% guaranteed! I use 3 ml./gallon of calmag+ and 3ml./gallon of Fulvex which takes ppm from 0 to 175.
Your soil probably needs more perlite, dolomite lime, and the p.h. is off (probably acidic). 9/10 times when soil plants are struggling it's because of the p.h. Add dolomite lime/perlite a week or two to the soil before using and wet it to give the lime some time to react.
I have some Happy Frog that says p.h. balanced to 6.3-6.8 right on the bag. B.S.! P.H. out of the bag was about 5.0! Digital P.H. meter critical to test soil runoff so you have a basic idea of where soil p.h. is. That's how i figured out that happy frog.
Make sure you have on hand hydrated lime, dolomite lime, and epsom salt to fix your p.h. problems. P.H. your solution down to 6.5 after adding these to your water cause they will sky rocket the p.h. up to 9 or 11. Great article below...


Well-Known Member
You will learn a lot more trying to save them than not

I have brought plenty back from the near dead; doing so taught me what i did wrong


Well-Known Member
I must say, everyone who responded provided good 411!

Big Mercola fan. Been receiving daily newsletters for years. His product offerings are very well made and of high quality.

Ridding tap water (and well for that matter) of harmful things can only be accomplished with either distilling, reverse osmosis or deionization. All of these render the water dead (zero energy), SO, I use a combination of structuring, vortexing, and magnetizing to not only restore but to supercharge the water.

For cooking and drinking I add small amount of Himalayan salt- best minerals on the planet

See my current grow for the hows, whys and where to buys

distilled also isn't good to drink , so it probably isn't good for plants either,