Is there any hope for her?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Auto northern light, she has 14 days

Unfortunately I had some issues 7 days ago when I moved her in the pot, some of the bottom roots got damaged during the transplant..let's say probably she lost 30/40 percent of the bottom part of the roots..

She does not look good at all to me, just wondering if I should give up on her and restart with a new seed to not lose precious time..

What u think? Is there any hope?



Well-Known Member
Autos can be transplanted. However, I would recommend starting the auto in its final container. Even if it’s 5 gallon.

what’s your light and What light schedule are your running?


Well-Known Member
To more directly answer your question...if you have room to start another one in your tent I would let this one grow out. It is a little small for 14 days but I have a big light, so that’s why I asked about your light.


Well-Known Member
It's under a Mars hydro TS 600!

Till now that light has worked great!

I'm not sure I ve place for both, I definitely have it when they are in veg but flowering both of them may be not enough place.

I just don't want to lost time trying to recover her if there are few hopes..

First time I broke roots so not sure what's going to happen.

Yeah I usually avoid transplant but this time I could not

So u don't think she looks so bad?


Well-Known Member
I don’t think it looks bad I think it looks small. That’s going to flower whenever it wants at whatever size it is.

Start the other one off to the side and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Okay will do! Thanks wattzzup but if they both will be okay then I may need to make a choice, someone will need to jump from the hill :hump:


Well-Known Member
I think your choice will be obvious when that time comes. I don’t think your first one will get big enough before it starts flowering. But keeping this one alive is good practice for your next one.

When I plant mine in my 3 gal containers I wet the entire pot of soil to runoff. Drop the seed in and wait. It should be 5 days min before you need to mist it with a spray bottle.

I should I add I dome my seeds until the seedling is big enough it doesn’t need it.