I wonder why you were held under water. Did you manage to escape, or did they let you go. I fear the aforementioned escape is the most likely.i was was in second grade we played a game, holding your breathe and forcing the blood to your head, this would make me go outside my body. another time i was held underwater and almost drown (sp?) i don't think it's safe to do it this way though. another way is to close your eyes and focus on the place between our eyes and think nothing. the picture turns to many tiny stars and colors and you feel as if you are going into it, and than you hear a loud sound and possible a pop. sometimes you feel like your legs are coming out, like floating, but this is hard to retain the concentration long enough.there are some books on the subject. i never got all the way out this way, but i think it's safer. i'm sure if you want to gain further info on this subject look up soul travel, or eckankar. good luck!
So every being has a life force and this continues to recirculate back into the earth.
I was quite surprised at the last two minutes, or so. I'd not anticipated whatever particular religious leanings the film-maker had.
is this true?All animals have this life force. parts of us are regenerated back into the eco-system. Unfortunately, we could never be aware of it... because we are dead.
can ONE become aware of energy?You cant really destroy energy,so i like to think that the energy that is "me" will somehow carry on somewhere or another,but really no one can know can they![]()
My ex gfs mom does reiki and this is healing using the energy of your soul or body. and she can see auras and shit. spirits exist. we have souls and there is an afterlife.For human beings to have souls there would need to be some sort of supernatural being to create them. So no, human beings do not have souls.
Thats called aastral projecting. look it up. if you can do it high you can do it sober! ive done it once and fuck. i was flying in space.i don't know about a god, but i'm sure i have a soul or another part of my body because i have been outside of my body seeing it, several times. how else can this be explained?
what color is your auroa?My ex gfs mom does reiki and this is healing using the energy of your soul or body. and she can see auras and shit. spirits exist. we have souls and there is an afterlife.
I would say yescan ONE become aware of energy?![]()
Well my ex gfs mom said it was green most of the time but ive seen it myself. i had couple grams of shrooms and while iwas trippingo ut i forgot who i was. then i was questioning why i was here. i look INSIDE myself and i was whitish blue very bright. it was very.. unusual. lolwhat color is your auroa?
Total void of sense. ill try that stuff. meditating basicly? tell me more knowm=)no.... life just is... nothing before.. nothing after.... it is forever...
BUT there is awareness of LIFE... and WHEN one becomes aware of LIFE.. there is nothing to do.... BUT expand that awareness..
how do you expand awareness....?
you begin a practice..
what is a practice...?
A practiceis a concious evolution....
like practicing the clarinet.. bt instead.. you practice EVOLVING
and how do you do that?
well, you sit.... and just SIT... watching and observing... and NOT reacting... not reacting to thought, sound, sight, touch, feel, or taste or smell...
this is the practice of cultivating awareness!