Is there a nutrient deficiency? Light burn? Pics attached


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert, and I don't know what the Lucas Formula is, but it doesn't look like they are happy in whatever medium you have them growing in. I'm using CFLs for my grow and the temp in my grow box has been solid 80 degrees since germination, so I don't think heat is your problem if you are running at 75 with the fan. Looks to me like growing medium. I would just use a combo of 5 parts soil 5 parts perelite and 2 parts manure or other organic mix. That's what I'm using and if you check my pics they are doing pretty well.


Well-Known Member
it's called a hempy bucket.

the wilted one looks like it's over/under watered.

the one with the brownish thing might be some sort of problem in the roots.... or it might be the leaf just dieing off naturally...

but they do look wilted....


Well-Known Member
after looking for a bit, it looks like a phosphorus deficiency....

i don't know what the lucas formula is but next time you feed give give it bloom nutes...

i say that b/c this:

when you scroll down you can see a pic of the phosphorus deficiency and it's the closest.

but it's prob just the leaf dieing off naturally.

check your watering schedule b/c that might be what's making them wilt.....


Active Member
Just a thought, it could have something to do with the bucket its self, being plastic like. The grow medium not being to the top. Or are they clones? But my first thought does go to getting them out of those buckets. Ive seen plants die fast in grow tents made with PVC poles


Well-Known Member
the buckets have nothing to do with it. most ppl i know that grow do so in 5 gal buckets.

it's a hempy bucket, kinda like hydro, but in pure perlite, not hydroton.

it's a very good and cheaper alternative to hydro that has gotten great results.

but like hydro it takes time to learn and master.

check the PH on the runoff and check back with the info.


Active Member
Thanks for all the advice and info. They are clones that I transplanted from soil 4 days ago. I tried the Lucas Formula before without much luck. I think I'll go back to the directions on the bottles. I'll feed again in 2 days and will let you know the ph level on the runoff.


Well-Known Member
the runoff will be the same as what you put into it, b/c it's a hempy bucket, i had a brain fart.

and why did you transplant from soil???

normally in hydro type setups you put your clones in rockwool cubes, and those go into hydroton or the perlite... i don't think i've ever heard of somebody transplanting from soil into a hydro setup....

4 days, have they gotten worse from day to day or did they get all ugly and have been getting better day by day???

b/c they get shock, so if they got really sick, but are getting better then cool.... but if they are getting worse every day then it might be that the transplant was just too much...

next time put rooting gel/powder on the cut end of the clone, put it into a rockwool cube soaked in perfectly neutral water or distilled water.

wait for them to root nicely in the rockwool, then put the cube into the perlite. it's less stressful and that's how it's done.

not too experienced cloning but using the cubes i've had like a 90% success rate.... i put the cubes in dirt though....

but i cannot remember any time where i've seen somebody transplant from soil into a hempy bucket.... i've only seen ppl germ seeds, put htem into the cubes, then those into the hydro setup....


Active Member
Thanks for your responses redivider! Big +rep to you my friend!

I checked the PH both before and after. Like you said though, they both read at 5.9. I just wanted to make sure the medium didn't adjust it a little. So the story with the clones is that I got them free from a dispensary. As my caregiver, they gave me those 4. They were all in soil and the guy at the dispensary said that if I rinse the roots in lukewarm water to get most of the soil off, they should bounce back with no problem. But if they die, he'll give me free replacements rooted in rockwool. They just didn't have any available at the time I was there. I had a growroom designer here earlier today installing some ventilation for me. He said they'll be fine and that they're just in major shock from the transition from soil to hydro. I'm going to take some cuttings from them and then flower the mothers. Would the stress from the mother be passed along to the cuttings if I wait 6-8 weeks before I take them? I'm building myself a bubble-cloner that should be pretty badass! Again bro, I appreciate all your advice.


Active Member
Thanks again everyone for your awesome feedback! Here's some pics I just took. Please pardon the mess. I had a professional growroom dude come out and set-up some ventilation for me. I'm going to clean up right after I post this. I'll take some pics of the room. It's 88 square feet. Right now I have 2 1000w lights. I only have 1 on because I only have 4 plants. I just got some Nirvana seeds in the mail today. AK-48 and Bubblicious. I have the seeds germinating in Rapid Rooter cubes in a dark closet. I'm picking up 6 Durban Poison clones from a friend later tonight. Yeah, they're in rockwool cubes, not soil this time. lol

A couple of the ladies still aren't lookin so good. Well, I wouldn't say ANY of them look great, but if you have any suggestions, let me know. Thanks again gentlemen!

