Is there a good reference for when to plant outside by location?


Active Member
I looked through google and haven't found anything. I was wondering when for my region should I plant. Since I won't be giving my region out online I wondered if anyone knew of a place to reference?

Solid Steele

Active Member
In my research I have only found that you should wait until after the last freeze in your area. At least that is what I am planning on doing.


Well-Known Member
they say the last freeze. how in the hell do you know when that is? "hey joe think it will freeze tommorrow? naw yestarday was the last freeze." i don't get it. how can you throw out a date and say it won't freeze after that.
i watch the surrounding foilage. cherry trees getting blossoms, new growth all around. look at the enviroment and see what all the other plants outside are doing. they WILL tell you.


Well-Known Member
well tha last freeze is right before spring starts which is march so just look up when spring starts in your area hope that helps